Page 73 of Tortured Tones
“I scrub up okay when I have to.” He grinned, wriggling his tie straight. Show-off. “Are you ready to go?”
Everyone stood, placed their glasses on the table and veered toward the door. Out of habit, I stepped back and let the band and their partners go first. But as Slip walked past holding Maddy’s hand, he took a small step in my direction and lowered his voice. “It takes a lot to wow Cole. Own it, girl.”
“Me?” Heat flushed my skin. I’d wowed Cole Tanner? I hadn’t been out to impress him, but I couldn’t deny Slip’s comment gave my confidence a boost.
“You look incredible.” Sutton glided by on Flint’s arm.
“Thank you. So do you.” Styled like a Hollywood screen siren, Sutton dazzled in an electric-blue satin gown.
“She’s right.” Cole placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me out of the room toward the elevators. His gaze fell to my cleavage and lingered. “You rock that dress.”
My nipples hardened. God, why did I like him looking at me?
Lewis chuckled as he hooked his arm around Tia’s shoulders. He glanced back and waved his finger back and forth between Cole and Tia. “I warn you, Ava. The Tanners are trouble. Trust me.”
“Cole knows his place...Trust me.” I jabbed my elbow into Cole’s side, erasing the lusty smirk off his face.
He grunted and grinned as he straightened. “Ow. Thanks for that.”
At the elevators, Tia caught my hand and swayed like a sailor at sea. “Damn, I like you. My brother needs someone to keep him in line.”
Judging by the vapor of bourbon surrounding her and Lewis, they were well on the way to having a big night. She’d been out of her moonboot since Friday and loved that she had no pain in her ankle anymore. Celebrations were in order. “Tonight is about us girls, not the band. So let’s have some fun.”
I didn’t know Tia, Sutton, and Maddy well, but I looked forward to a night with female company. I didn’t see my friend Ramona often as we worked opposite shifts. “I’m off duty. I’m looking forward to letting my hair down.”
Cole leaned into me and spoke low into my ear. The hint of alcohol lingered on his warm breath. “Hmmm. I like your hair down...a lot.”
God. How much vodka had he drunk while I’d gotten ready? I elbowed him gently again. “I’d like you to behave.”
“No chance.” He swooped in to kiss me, his lips aiming for mine. Panic shot through my veins as I pulled out of the way.
He just chuckled. I blushed like a summer fire had ignited my cheeks.
Flint laughed and shook his head. “Are you two going to be at each other’s throats all evening or fuck before the night is through?”
My breath hitched. Was Flint joking, or had he picked up on the simmering vibe between Cole and me? I couldn’t afford to let my feelings for Cole develop any further. Lines had to remain in place. Drawing my shoulders back, I glared at Cole. “It certainly won’t be the latter.”
He raised a questioning eyebrow. “You sure about that?”
“Yes.” But damn. He’d wanted to kiss me. It had no doubt just been a friendly gesture, but what would his lips feel like against mine? Why the hell had I leaned out of the way? Oh yeah...Beckett and Kennedy were watching my every move. Not fun.
We were whisked to the party in an extra-long stretch limousine. But at every traffic light we stopped at, Cole scanned my legs.
I mumbled to him under my breath, “If you keep doing that, we’re going to have a problem.”
He whispered, so only I could hear, “I was just picturing them wrapped around my face.”
My thighs squeezed together. My core clenched. Oh, boy. He’d really drunk too much vodka. It was hard enough coming out with him; I didn’t need his dirty talk to make it even more challenging. “I’m picturing my knee slamming into your balls.”
Shards of sexy gold shimmered through his vivid green eyes. “I said picturing, not wanting. There is a difference.”
“Well keep those thoughts to yourself, please.”
“Fine. But I like making you smile and blush.”
Was I blushing? Yep. God, he messed with my head. Was he just teasing or into me? It didn’t matter—either way wasn’t good.