Page 84 of Tortured Tones
“Yes, but fuck me. . .” A wave of relief shot through my bloodstream. I swiped my hand down my cheek, then rubbed the center of my chest. My heart rate still hadn’t returned to normal. “You scared the shit out of me. Don’t do that. You get too much satisfaction out of torturing me, don’t you?”
“I can’t deny that.” Her eyes sparkled as the outer edge of her eyebrow flicked upward.
Hmmm. I liked that. “You’re mean.”
“I’m sorry.” As she giggled, the most gorgeous smile lit her face. “But your reaction was priceless.”
I slid my hand up the inside of her leg and buried my face into the small of her neck. “I should throw you down on this bed, have my way with you again, and make you pay. I’d torture you in a completely different way.”
She placed her palms on my chest and pushed me back. She pursed her lips, unable to hide the heat rising in her cheeks. “ We can’t. From now on, it’s best if I don’t go to any more parties with you. Don’t drink around you. And keep everything between us professional and work-related.”
“Yeah.” I brushed my thumb down the side of cheek. I had to agree with her. We’d had an amazing night, but it was time to put it behind us. It didn’t change the fact I liked looking at her, being with her, and taunting her though. “You can go back to kicking my ass during our runs, getting me to places on time, and pulling me into line when necessary.”
“Deal.” She placed her hand over my face and pushed me away. “Now get dressed and get out of here.”
As I stood, her cell phone rang.
She grabbed it off the cabinet beside the television. The color drained from her face as she answered it, putting her cell phone to her ear. “Luther?”
“Ava.” Luther’s voice reverberated from Ava’s phone. The volume was so loud, I could hear Luther clearly. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but it was impossible not to listen. “My meeting in New York was successful. I didn’t have to stay for as long as planned. I’ve just landed in LA. You can have Josh for the night. That way I can head out to Palm Springs and play golf.”
“You’re back?” Her face lit up, and she stood two inches taller. “Of course you can bring Josh over. I’d love to have him...and tomorrow night too if you want to stay out there longer.” Hope filled her voice, but she winced as if knowing the answer to her request before he’d spoken a word.
“No. It’s tonight or nothing.” His surly tone dripped with acid. “I’ll see you in forty-five minutes.”
He hung up.
For a brief second, hurt washed across her eyes, no doubt at Luther’s blunt tone, changes, and not being able to score more time with her son. But then she sucked in a deep breath and the sun rose in her big smile. “I get to see Josh today. Yay!”
Would I ever look forward to seeing Charlotte? Hannah had taken her to San Fran on Monday to see Paul. They’d get home later tonight. Did I miss my kid waking me early? Leaving her toys all over the floor? Her big smile, cuddles, and laughter? Yeah...I kinda did.
“That’s awesome.” I pulled on my suit pants and zipped them up. “Do we have time for me to go change and then meet you downstairs for a quick breakfast?”
As I slipped on my button-down shirt, she raked her gaze over my bare chest. The low simmer in her eyes warmed my blood a few degrees too much.
“Rain check.” She stepped over to her bag and grabbed a pair of jeans. “I need to get home.”
“I’ll take you. But we at least need coffee first. I’m dying here without it.” My hangover wasn’t too bad, but I needed caffeine.
“You don’t have do that. I’ll catch a taxi or Uber.”
“No, it’s fine.” I sat on the bed and put on my shoes and socks. “As my date-that-wasn’t-a-date, I’d like to take you home. I’ll call Kennedy. He’s gotta pick me up anyway. He can drop you off too.”
“But it’s twenty minutes out of your way.”
“In this town, that’s nothing.” I swiped my jacket off the floor and smacked her arm with it. “Stop arguing. I’m happy to take you home. Consider it a thank you for coming to the party and for a mind-blowing night of hot sex. “
“Fine. One sec.” She dashed past me into the bathroom. She returned with the diamond necklace, laid it in its velvet box, and handed it to me. “Can you return this to Gabrielle for me?”
“Sure. I’ll get the hotel concierge to deliver it back to her.” I took the box. “It looked good on you.”
She tucked her hands into her jeans pockets and rounded her shoulders. “Like Cinderella, I’m back to plain Jane me.”
“You’re not plain, Ava. Far from it.” I stepped toward her, brushed my thumb across her mouth, then kissed her soft lips. Just a gentle touch. My balls ached for more action...but no. We were done. “Thank you for a great night that didn’t happen. I’ll meet you in the lobby.”
“Uh-huh. Yep. In five minutes?”
Had my kiss flustered her? Maybe a fraction. Cool. “Make it ten. Don’t be late.”