Page 86 of Tortured Tones
Cole waved at the cameras and smiled.
Crazy man.
Kennedy nodded and opened the door. “Good morning, Mr. Tanner.” As Cole climbed into the car, Kennedy pulled me aside. “Hey? You didn’t look happy when I dropped you off last night. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah.” I patted his arm. “Cole and I just had a misunderstanding. We talked it out. Everything’s good.” That wasn’t entirely a lie. Cole had thought he’d done something wrong and upset me, and talking things out involved a lot of mind-blowing sex. But yeah...we were cool.
“I’m surprised all his limbs are still attached.”
“So am I. He might have a few scratches and bruises though.” That was highly possible. Last night had been wild and wicked. “Are you sure you want to give me a lift home?”
Kennedy dipped the rim of his baseball cap. “Mr. Tanner insisted on it.”
I sighed and grabbed my cell phone out of my purse. “Okay. But first I want to get some photos of the gold BMW across the road. I’m sure it’s the same one that was at the guy’s fitting on Monday. Stand there and smile.”
Kennedy sneered as I took a few steps back and took photos over his shoulder of the car.
Once I’d finished, he waved me into the back seat. “We’ll drive by and record the car on the dash cam too.”
“Excellent. Let’s go.” I slid onto the seat beside Cole. Kennedy jumped in the front next to Eric, our driver, and we took off toward my house.
Cole tilted his head toward me. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah. He was just checking up on me.” I didn’t need to raise concerns about the suspicious car. I was sure it was just one of the paparazzi pack.
“Big brother keeping an eye on you?”
He scanned a message that popped up on his cell phone but didn’t reply, turning his phone face down against his leg. “I talked to Flint before. I’m going to hang out with the guys later this afternoon at his place. Sutton wants to make us a few homecooked meals before the tour.”
I jabbed my finger into his thigh. “You’re supposed to be resting. Sleeping. Not going out.”
“Dinner with friends isn’t going out.”
“Yeah. It is.”
“Charlotte and Hannah don’t get home from San Fran until ten-ish. I promise I’ll be home for them and in bed by midnight, maybe one at the latest.”
“Cole.” I pointed at him. “By eleven.” I didn’t want to mother him, but the guy needed a good ass-whipping.
Mischief danced through his eyes. “You gonna come over and make me?”
“No. I’m off duty and will be with Josh. Kennedy or Tank can tuck you in if needed.”
“I don’t do no tucking,” Kennedy hollered from the front. “I’ll get your drunk ass home and into your house, Mr. Tanner. But that’s it.”
Cole chuckled, jutting his chin toward Kennedy. “No tucking required, thanks, Kennedy. Nor from Ava. She’d probably smother me with a pillow or strangle me with the sheets.”
Wasn’t sure if they were things I wanted to do to Cole in his bedroom, but I played along. “Don’t give me any ideas.”
Ten minutes later, we pulled into my street and drew to a halt on the curbside. Kennedy jumped out and opened the car door for me.
I grabbed my belongings and turned to Cole. An awkward tie of invisible air warped between us. I wanted to lean over and kiss him goodbye but couldn’t. “Thanks for an...interesting night.” That was one way of putting it. “I had fun. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I slid out of the car, but Cole followed me. “I’ll walk you to the door.”
“You don’t have to do that.”