Page 88 of Tortured Tones
“We all make mistakes.” He picked up a pebble of concrete from the edge of the cracked step and rolled it between his palms. “Mine hurt my friends. Killed people I loved. Messed with my head.”
I slapped his leg. “You didn’t kill anyone.”
He lowered his chin. “I’m not so sure about that.”
“Cole?” Something about his comment troubled me. “What are you talking about?”
“Nothing. It’s nothing.” He straightened, chuckled, and tossed the pebble into the shrub. “I’m just messing around.”
I wasn’t so sure about that. I turned toward him. “Are you okay? I worry about you. You overexercise, you don’t get enough rest, and you push yourself to do everything, every day. If you need help, ask. If you want to talk, I’m here. But please take care of yourself, or you won’t survive the tour.”
“Careful, Ava.” The corner of his lip curled into a small smile, and his voice held a sexy lilt. He clutched my knee and gave it a gentle shake. “I might begin to think you like me.”
Heat crept into my cheeks as I picked up his hand and placed it on his leg. “We established we liked each other last night, but we’re nothing more than friends.”
“I like you for that reason. But trust me.” He placed his hand over his heart. “I’m good. Yes, I’m stressed over juggling a few too many balls—the tour, promo, appearances, interviews...and Charlotte—but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”
I prayed that he was right. But I’d be keeping a close eye on him anyway. “She’s a beautiful kid.”
“She’s more like a destructive hurricane destroying my house.” He rubbed the back of his neck, then softened his tone. “But she is fucking cute.”
“All kids are. You’re lucky you can hire help and have incredible people around you who love and support you. You can do what you love and have a family—remember that. You’re not your parents. Be the father you never had. Find balance and time for her. It’s not hard to do. She’s worth it.”
“I hope so.” He smoothed his hands down his jeans. “Would I be crossing the line if I asked you to join me for a playdate? You and Josh? Tomorrow morning? So I could get some more parenting tips?”
I’d have loved for our kids to play together. They’d have fun. But I pressed my lips together and shook my head. “I can’t do that, Cole. Josh has school. I have a staff meeting before I take you to rehearsal.” An ache rippled through my chest, but I took a steady breath and pushed it aside. “Tomorrow, it’s back to business. I’m your bodyguard—that’s it.”
“It’s fine.” He chuckled and patted my thigh. “Just thought I’d ask...and I forgot about school.” He glanced at his watch. “I’d better go. I’ve kept Kennedy waiting long enough. You enjoy your time with Josh. I’ll see you tomorrow. At eleven?”
I nodded. “Yes.”
Just as he stood, a black town car pulled up to the curb. The back door flung open, and Josh shot out. He ran into the yard. I rushed to him and sank onto my knees on the grass. He flung his arms around my neck and squeezed me tight. “Mommy. I missed you so much.”
My heart ached. I closed my eyes and breathed him in. God, I’d missed my boy. “I missed you too. Every day.”
“Ava.” Cole strolled halfway down the path and stopped. “Thanks for a great night. Catch you tomorrow.”
Josh tilted his head back and stared up at Cole. “Who are you?”
I rubbed Josh’s tummy. “This is Cole. He’s a friend and a client of mine.” I rose and dusted off my knees. “Cole, I’d like you to meet Josh.”
Cole bent forward, lowering to Josh’s height, and shook his hand. “Hi, Josh. It’s nice to meet you. You have a great time with your mom, okay?”
“I will.” He jumped and clutched my arm. “We’re going to play games and cook and watch TV.”
“Yes, we are.”
“Yay!” Josh dashed up the steps as I walked Cole out to the car.
But as we stepped onto the sidewalk, Luther stood waiting, leaning against his ride which was parked behind Kennedy. My pulse spiked. Shit.
“Hi. Everything okay?” I asked Luther.
“Who’s your friend?” Jealousy iced Luther’s tone and prickled my skin.
I jerked my thumb toward Cole. I didn’t want Luther to get any ideas. “This is my client, Cole Tanner. Cole, this is Luther.”
Luther stepped forward, eyeing Cole up and down. “Tanner? As in The Flintlocks drummer?”