Page 92 of Tortured Tones
Over the past several days, Hannah had brought Charlotte to see our final rehearsals and she would come to some of our live shows. Every time we’d played, Charlotte had been mesmerized by all the flashing lights and booming sounds. With her headphones and sunglasses on, she’d zipped around in front of the stage, dancing, clapping, and singing. But screaming fans were new for her and clearly a different issue.
Hopefully within a few days she’d get used to them. If she didn’t, I’d have to arrange for Hannah and her to arrive at our hotels separately.
“Here.” I pulled off my sunglasses and put them on Charlotte’s face. “That better?”
“Do you want your headphones too? They’re in your backpack.” I’d bought them for her to wear at our shows to protect her eardrums. She didn’t need industrial deafness like I’d probably end up with.
When Charlotte had first come to stay with me, I’d been unable to comprehend fitting her into my life and I hadn’t wanted to change; now I was doing everything I could to ensure she was taken care of. Every day she wound a new thread around my heart. But fears of losing her played on my mind. Ava’s battles with Luther over Josh didn’t help. She’d done everything in her power to gain more custody. Luther kept ripping her chances to shreds. Would the courts do the same at my pending court assessment? I was no fucking angel; I never would be. Hannah had raised concerns about my workload again. But I’d made changes. I’d spent time with Charlotte. I’d gone to every function and pre-tour promotion and rehearsal but...I hadn’t brought any girls home. There’d been no one since Ava.
Since our night together almost two weeks ago, we’d acted like nothing had happened when we were around everyone else. No one suspected a thing. Only when we were completely alone, the random flirty comment slipped out, and the dirty suggestive digs we cracked at each other made us laugh. But that was it. There were no playful touches, was no time spent together outside of work, and was no hint of a repeat. We’d gotten each other out of our system.
Well . . . she had.
I hadn’t.
I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her.
It drove me fucking crazy.
My dick ached every night, wanting her. Visions of my face between her thighs, her mouth around my cock, me being buried inside her, and coming so fucking hard I’d seen stars before my eyes. Who knew she’d be so good in bed?
This had to stop.
I was single. On tour. I wanted to enjoy different women at every chance I got.
But right then, I had other things to focus on. This was the first night of the tour. I was going to treasure every second. Meeting the fans was my priority. The guys had headed straight over to sign autographs and have photos. I didn’t want to miss out.
“Char?” I rubbed her back again. “Did you hear me? Headphones or not?”
“No. Just Barney.” She cuddled the bear against her chest.
“Let’s get you inside.” I strode into the hotel through the sliding glass doors. Half our entourage and crew filled the lobby, dragging suitcases and carrying bags. Everyone was checking in for the next three nights. I gave Charlotte a big hug. “Okay, sweetie. You need to stay with Hannah. I have to go meet the fans.”
“No. I want to stay with you.” She tugged on my T-shirt.
I kissed the top of her head. “I have to work. Hannah will look after you.”
Hannah peeled Charlotte from my arms and sat her on her hip. But Charlotte reached for me. Tears welled in her eyes. “No. Cole.”
Fuck. Why did that stab my heart and pummel me with guilt? I didn’t need that on top of all the pressure and excitement surrounding the long days ahead. We’d be performing show after show for the next nine months.
Hannah placed Charlotte on the ground and held her hand. “We’ll go with Cole this afternoon to sound check and watch the show tonight. How’s that sound?”
“Will it be loud?” Charlotte sniffled.
I bobbed down in front of her and wiped a tear off her cheek. “Super loud. With lots of music and bright lights and dancing.”
Glitter twinkled in her eyes and a mischievous smile skipped across her lips, then she pouted and sulked, tugging on the front of her dress. “Okay.”
Oh, she was such a performer. Definitely had Tanner genes.
Hannah sighed. “I’m not looking forward to that part. I’ll need earplugs too.”
“The crew have some if needed. But you’ll be fine.” Hopefully. Our shows were fucking loud. No point in denying it. “You can hang out in our dressing room backstage if you need a break.” Turning to Charlotte, I brushed my fingertip down the bridge of her nose and tapped the tip. “You be good for Hannah, and I’ll see you soon.”