Page 99 of Tortured Tones
I don’t want this high to ever end.
My hands were a blur as I galloped across the drums, then pummeled the tom-toms with slow, hard strikes. But with every crash of the cymbals, I couldn’t drag my eyes off Ava. Shit. The song Flint had written about Sutton hit me in the chest and meddled with my mind.
Fuck. I was a fool. A fool for liking someone I shouldn’t.
She’d be gone in three months. I’d never see her again.
I couldn’t fall for her. Couldn’t let anyone get close. Couldn’t face more heartbreak.
I had to forget about her. Move on.
Right now.
This was living.
Music. Playing. My band. The tour.
I had everything I’d ever wanted. I was living the dream.
So why the fuck did my chest ache so goddamn much?
Chapter 22
Three weeks into the tour and the knots in the back of my neck wouldn’t release. Deep-tissue massages after our shows hadn’t helped. The high from hanging out with the guys, traveling, meeting more fans, and performing fed my soul. It kept me wanting to give more and more. Despite our hectic schedule and my lack of sleep, I wouldn’t miss a beat. I lived to tour.
But some days were tough. Exhausting.
At the end of each show, the guys and I would wind down over a few drinks, tell stories, and crack jokes about our concerts. But my mind was often elsewhere—on Charlotte... on Ava...They were traveling in the other buses in our convoy or asleep in different hotel rooms. Flint had never said anything to me after having a dig at me onstage about being a fool. I was convinced he suspected something was going on between Ava and me, but there wasn’t.
I’d tried to avoid Ava since our night together, but that was impossible. Something about her kept drawing me in. Something about me kept pushing her away. That was a good thing. There was nothing foolish about being sensible.
After our show in Salt Lake City, we had an overnight drive to Denver. As the bus hit the highway, I sat at the table with the guys and sipped a beer. The high from performing still hovered in the air.
“Tonight’s crowd was freaking epic.” Flint grabbed us fresh beers from the fridge and flopped on the seat beside me. “The signs and banners people make are so cool. It still blows my mind when people sing along to our songs. That’s so dope.” He took a sip of beer and swallowed it down. “We’re only three weeks in. I still can’t wait to hit the stage every night. But I’m not gonna lie to you. I’m so looking forward to a couple days off after our Denver shows.”
I elbowed him in the arm. “You’re only excited about going home and fucking Sutton.”
“Flint, you’re pussy whipped.” Slip cracked the top off his beer and flung the lid at Flint, hitting him in the shoulder.
“Yep.” Laughing, Flint caught the lid and pegged it back at Slip’s chest. “I’m happy to admit it. I could say the same thing about you and Mads.”
“Yep. Here’s to that.” A sparkle shimmered in his eyes as Slip chinked his beer against Flint’s bottle. “If I could get Mads to agree we’re more than casual everything would be great. I’m working on that. The minute we finish in Denver, I’m outta there. Vancouver, here I come.”
“You’ll be coming all weekend.” Chuckling, I lazed back on the seat. I hadn’t seen Slip smitten with anyone since Courtney. I prayed they worked things out. But crap. When was the last time I’d had sex? With Ava? Five weeks ago. Shit. What was wrong with me?
“That’s the plan.” Slip nodded then took a mouthful of beer. But then he winced, stretched out his legs and rubbed his right hip.
I waggled my finger toward his waist. “Is that surfing injury causing you grief again?”
“Yeah.” He massaged his side. “It’s hurting like a bitch. So is my knee. I jumped around too much on stage tonight. I’ll take a painkiller before bed. It’ll be fine if I take it easy for a few days.”
Slip? Take it easy? Never. We were too alike.
“You won’t be getting any rest when your with Mads.” Lewis chuckled as he stood and grabbed a bag of potato chips from the cupboard. He ripped them open, tipped them into a bowl, and returned to the table. “I’m stoked I don’t have to go anywhere or do promo for a couple days once we get to Santa Fe. I’m looking forward to having Tia in my bed and if we can be bothered to leave the hotel, we might do some sightseeing.”