Page 10 of Fractured Frets
So were we a good thing? Would loving each other be enough?
I had my reservations. Doubts. Fears.
But yeah . . . I wanted to give this a shot.
I wanted us to work.
If I could just let go of the past, everything would be fine.
Chapter 4
I’d been betrayed by people who loved me, but I’d never expected my mind and body to do the same. Standing next to Slip in the green room, backstage at the Velvet Vault, had stirred the butterflies in my stomach back to life. Following him and the band along the corridor toward the stage had given me too much time to check out his hot ass. Meeting his gaze as he glanced over his shoulder and smiled had quickened my heartbeat and pooled heat between my legs.
Now, sitting across from him having a drink after his band’s first gig since Phil had died, too much warmth flooded my cheeks.
What is with that? I don’t need this.
Cole stood next to Slip with some brunette hanging off his every word. Sutton and Flint lingered by the bar and couldn’t be pried apart even with a set of jaws-of-life cutters. People hovered around us, occasionally interrupting us for a chat and a photo, but otherwise we were left alone.
I liked this venue for that reason. We could hang out without being inundated by fans.
Grabbing the bottle of vodka from the center of our table, Slip poured us fresh shots. He handed me a glass, then raised his drink. The gratitude warming his eyes sent another flutter skipping through my stomach. “Here’s to you. I won’t ever be able to thank you enough for helping get Flint and Sutton back together.”
Since I’d met him three months ago, Slip and I had been texting and talking. Our initial contact had been to ensure Sutton and Flint were sticking to their publicity stunt to revive their careers. But our messaging had morphed into a daily occurrence when our friends had fallen for each other, and the shit had hit the fan, and they’d broken up.
Masterminding a plan to get them back together had been fun, daunting, and challenging. I’d never known a guy like Slip to be so concerned for his friend’s well-being, or who’d go to any extreme to help him. But I’d do the same for Sutton. It was much easier to focus on someone else’s problems rather than my own. And I didn’t need to add more to my list. I was there at the Velvet Vault for Sutton. That was it.
I lifted my glass toward Slip’s. “I’m happy our plan worked.”
“Me too.” The tiniest hint of a smile touched his lips. “But if they don’t work out, I’ll just have to keep texting and calling you so we can come up with new plans.”
Fire crept up my neck and into my cheeks. “Even if they stay together, I don’t mind if you keep texting.”
“I might just do that.” His eyes glinted as he lifted his shot a fraction higher.
“Please do.” I chinked my glass against his, then swallowed my shot. I licked my lips, savoring the taste of the sweet, cold liquid. Mmmm. Much better than the lychee martini I’d had earlier with Sutton. I’d never drink one of those awful cocktails ever again. But I could do straight vodka.
He chuckled, low and deep, but as he took a steady breath, somberness swallowed his smile. “I’m just stoked Flint’s playing and writing again. It’s been a shit fest since Phil died. Cole and I were so worried we’d never perform together again. Sutt’s perfect for Flint. She has this calmness that he needs.”
“He’s been good for her too. Given her new confidence. Now it’s up to them to work on being together forever. Love will make or break them.” Some of us would remain permanently broken.
Slip puffed air through his nose and stared at me as if he’d read my mind. “I’ve had enough breaks to last me a lifetime. Let’s pray someone gets it right.”
“Yeah. They will.” I licked the spilled vodka off my fingers but froze when Slip’s gaze fell to my lips. He could do it for me...but no. “I’ve got a good feeling about those two.”
“I do too.” He tilted his head to the side. A raw intensity blazed in the depths of his eyes, and the most incredible soul-touching smile inched across his face. A low buzz hummed between us. After weeks of texting and talking, I’d slowly gotten to know him. I’d learned about his band and family. We’d both been through heartache and loss. Hard times and difficulties. He was sunshine to my darkness. Like me, he’d do anything for his friends, and put their happiness before his own. And if I read him right, there was a lot more to him than met the eye.
Did I want to delve deeper? Get to know him better? No...that wasn’t a good idea. We had to stay in the friends-only zone.
Slip knocked back his shot, then jutted his chin toward our Flint and Sutton. She stood between Flint’s legs as he sat on a stool. They kissed, talked, and had I’m-so-in-love glassy eyes for each other. “I’d much rather be doing what they’re doing.”
“What?” I rested my folded arms on the table. “Making up after an ugly breakup?”
“Hmmm.” He cocked an eyebrow and threw me a sexy smile. “Skip the breakup part.”