Page 116 of Fractured Frets
“No, you don’t. She makes you laugh. All we do is fight.”
“She cracked a joke, so yep, I laughed. And you and I don’t always fight.”
“Jesus fuck, Maddy.” He rubbed his furrowed brow. “I’m not into Harper. I have been patient, understanding, and talked to you about this time and time again. After all these months, after all the texts, calls, doing everything I can to prove to you how much I love you and want to be with you, and that you’re the only girl for me, you still doubt the way I feel for you.”
“Seeing you with her sets alarms off in my head.”
“You want to know what we were talking about?” His shoulders deflated two inches. “About where I should take you on a honeymoon. And about her finally seeing someone new. And I’m stoked for her. That’s it.”
“Oh...” Fuck, why did he continually swipe me off my feet? I couldn’t blame him for getting frustrated. I got frustrated at myself for being stuck in this endless loop of doubt and couldn’t wait for it to end when he got home. “Who...who’s she seeing?”
“Flint’s bodyguard?”
“Yes. Maddy? This has to stop. We’re not kids.” He flattened his hand against his chest. “I have given you everything inside my heart and soul. I’ve given my all to the band. I am holding on by a fine thread, waiting to be with you when the tour ends. Please trust me. I’m not with her. Stop creating something out of nothing.”
“Okay. I’m sorry. But this isn’t just about Harper. It’s about everything. It’s about you. Me. Us. Look at you, Slip.” I placed my hand on his arm and my heart shuddered. “You’re shaking. Sweating. Drinking. How many pills have you popped today? What about coke? I hate that you’re hurting, pushing yourself too hard, and not taking care of yourself. You’re sick and need help.”
“What about you?” Sadness clouded his eyes. “You’re skin and bone. Am I causing this?” He waved his hand up and down before me. “Am I stressing you out that much? I don’t want to do that, Maddy. You’re my reason to face every day. But you’re fading away before my eyes.”
I clutched onto the glass fence to steady myself. I lowered my chin and nodded. “The last few months have been hell. I worry about you all the time.”
“I don’t want that.” His shoulders slumped. “Maddy, I’m tired. So fucking tired. Of touring. Of everyone worrying about me. Me worrying about you. Having to make it through another day without you by my side. You should be excited I’m almost home. That we’re finally going to be together.” He closed his eyes, clenched his jaw, and fell back half a step. “But after all this time, no matter what I’ve said, done, tattooed on my flesh, you still don’t trust me. That’s no basis for a relationship. Or a marriage.”
“It’s just hard being apart.”
“Yes, you should miss me, look forward to seeing me, but trust me to be yours.” His voice dialed down a notch. “I want a life with you. To be together forever. I have not looked at another woman since we first hooked up. But I’ve never erased your insecurities. I hate that I can’t. I don’t know what else to do.” He swayed on his feet. “I hate that I’m not enough for you. I love you, but I’m at my wits end on how to be everything you need. The thing is...I’m not sure I ever will be.” He let out a jagged breath and shook his head. His anguish shredded my heart into pieces.
“What...what are you saying?” My voice fell in a pained whisper across my lips.
Hardness set in his eyes that sent a chill through my bones. “No matter where we live, or how often we are together, we will always have to spend time apart because of our jobs. The honest and cutting truth is that you will never trust me or love me like I love you. That’s the fucking reality, isn’t it?” He let out a short breath. “I have tried to kill every one of your concerns. I really have. I have held on, hoped, prayed, counted down the days to be with you, but I can’t do that anymore. I just can’t. I have nothing left inside me. Nothing left to give. I’m done. So done. Fuck this, Maddy. Sign the annulment. Let’s move the fuck on.”
What the fuck?
My heartbeat failed as he turned and stormed past the pool toward the house.
“Slip? Wait.” I rushed after him, catching his arm. “No. I’m sorry—”
He spun around and held up his finger. “No. Enough. I can’t take any more of this bullshit.” His gaze shot around the crowd. Too many heads were turned in our direction. Shit. Slip lowered his voice. “I’m leaving before we make more of a scene. I won’t do that to you. I care about you too fucking much. I’m going home. To my place. I don’t give a fuck what you do anymore. Go to your mom’s...It’s where you want to be rather than with me.”
He strode through the house, leaving me trembling in the middle of the outdoor entertainment area.
Everyone was looking. At me. Oh shit. My breath quickened. My pulse raced. A fevered heat washed over me. Fuck. So much for not causing a scene. Oh humiliating.
Sutton rushed to my side as tears ran down my face.
“Mads?” Sutton wrapped her arms around me.
“He left me,” I hyperventilated. “And it’s my fault.”
Oh...oh, shit. Dizziness spiraled through my head. The world turned. My champagne flute slipped from my fingers, smashing on the ground.
My knees buckled.
I fell, collapsing against Sutton’s chest.