Page 119 of Fractured Frets
“Will do.”
I gave her the biggest of hugs, then headed to Slip’s.
We had a lot of shit to sort out.
And it was about to go down.
Chapter 33
I stormed into my house and slammed the front door behind me. My angry, broken heart punched and pummeled my ribs. My hip screamed in agony. My failure to win Maddy’s trust crushed my soul. I’d no fight left in me. I grabbed my oxy off the counter and swallowed a pill with a swig of vodka.
I snatched my stash of cocaine out of the tin from behind my bar. I opened the baggie and formed rows of white powder across the corner of my kitchen counter. I snorted two lines of blow, closed my eyes, and let my head fall back. I hadn’t touched this shit for a week. I just wanted to feel...good. Better. Anything other than like a pile of crap.
But the powder didn’t work.
There was no effect.
It wasn’t enough.
So, I hit another two lines, then staggered into my music studio. I turned on my amp and grabbed one of my old electric guitars. As I strummed, I let the music take over. The reverberations coursed through my blood, my chest, my fingertips. The high kicked in. Oh, fuck yeah. That’s it. The buzz hurtled through every cell in my body. My heart raced. I slammed on the strings hard, and just sang whatever shit that came into my head.
What happened to the vows we’d made?
Gone up in smoke when you lost faith.
You kept my heart when I walked away,
I don’t need it anymore, not ever again.
I fought so hard, every night and day,
But you were too broken from the start,
My love wasn’t enough to heal the past
So, fuck you, Maddy,
Are you happy now that we didn’t last?
Fuck, don’t you remember . . .
Changing pace, I played faster and faster.
The hot days and cool nights,
Where we stole away all the time.
We made love and we laughed,
We lay in each other’s arms.
Our hearts beat as one,
Life was nothing but fun.
We made plans in the sun,