Page 56 of Fractured Frets
Slip: Yes. You in leather mini? Total boner.
Me: I’ll buy one.
Slip: You in nothing? Even better.
Me: You between my legs even better still.
Slip: I’ll book the next flight.
Me: No. Long days ahead. Too hungover.
Slip: Saw your snaps. Big night?
Me: Huge night. Geraldine’s birthday. We had a blast.
Slip: Who’s we? Just the girls from your show?
Me: Yep. Gerry, Lotti, Carmel, and Wanda. And the guys—Kwan, Dre, and Mills.
Slip: Mills? Your on-screen boyfriend?
Me: Yes. Top guy. Fun. Breath stinks like cherry cola.
Slip: The sooner you break up with him on the show, the better.
Me: You jealous?
Slip: I don’t like you kissing anyone other than me. You’re mine.
Me: We’re still just hooking up.
Slip: No, we’re not. Once you finish promo we’re telling everyone.
Me: What about the girl you were photographed with at that club the other night?
Slip: Just a fan. Nothing happened. No kisses. No BJs. Nothing.
Me: What about tour? Don’t you want to be single? Be with other girls?
Slip: Nope. Just you. Haven’t been with anyone else since we met.
Me: Same.
Slip: So, can we kill using condoms?
Me: Whoa. That’s a big step.
Slip: It is. But you’re it, Mads.
Me: Wow.
Slip: You’re on the pill, right?
Me: Yes. Have been since I was 17.
Slip: Cool. I don’t want no babies. Or STIs.
Me: STIs? From me? LOL. FYI I don’t want any of the above either.