Page 69 of Fractured Frets
I dug my fingers into his jeans. I wanted to touch him. Kiss him. Fuck him. But no. God, this was so fucking hot.
“Mads?” He brushed his nose across the rim of my ear. “Want to know something else?”
His fingers hit the spot deep inside me. Oh...
“No. I’m gonna...oh, shit.” I quaked against his touch. My orgasm shot through me like laser lights set on strobe. Fire coiled through my veins as goose bumps shot across my skin. My heart thundered. My pussy throbbed with delectable pulses.
He leaned in, smiled, and whispered into my ear. “Ti amo.”
“Aaaargh.” My knees buckled, and I collapsed into the wall. Pain and light exploded in my chest. “Oh, shit!” I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Sing or scream. He loves me. Oh, God...he loved me!
Sutton spun around, jumped off her stool, and caught my arm. “Maddy? Are you okay? Shit. What happened?”
“Um. I don’t know. I...I don’t feel very well.” No, I didn’t. I was a complete and utter hot mess.
“Mads?” Slip caught me around the waist. A devilish smile curled across his lips. “Geez.” He touched my forehead. “You’re burning up. You got a fever?”
“Yeah” was all I could mutter. Heat blazed across every inch of my skin.
Worry swam through Sutton’s eyes. “You want me to take you to the restroom? Do you need to throw up? Or you want me to take you home?”
“Um...” Dizziness spun through my head. I needed all of the above. I straightened and realigned my dress lower over my butt. “Just home.”
“Sutt, I don’t mind giving her a lift.” Slip shrugged, cool and casual. “I’m tired after a long day. You can stay out with Flint. I know you haven’t seen much of him lately.”
“Would you?” Sutton squeezed my arm. “That would be amazing. Is that okay, Mads?”
I still struggled to catch my breath. “Sure.”
As Sutton turned to grab my purse off her chair, Slip turned to me. His dark eyes burned with wildfire as he licked his fingers—fingers that had been inside of me. He leaned close to my ear. “You taste fucking fantastic. When we get home, I’m going to have more of that. Okay?”
My heart hammered in my chest. My head pounded with the loud beat of the music and his words...He loves me.
That wasn’t supposed to happen. We were never supposed to go on for this long or take things this far. We should’ve stopped seeing each other months ago.
Problem was . . . we hadn’t.
I couldn’t.
I was in too deep.
Fuck. Fuck, FUCK!
I’d fallen for him too.
And that terrified me.
Chapter 20
I dashed up the steps to Maddy’s house and rang her doorbell. I wiped my clammy palms on the back of my jeans and scanned the street. No, I hadn’t been followed by the paparazzi. I’d circled the block three times to make sure.
After a few pounding heartbeats, Maddy opened the door.
“What are you doing here?” Anxiety and excitement flickered in her gorgeous eyes as she peered over my shoulder, no doubt checking for photographers, just like I’d done.