Page 21 of Secrets of Avalon
Which I’m glad for and scared about at the same time. Why does the water-queen-Nimue-whatever want to keep my identity a secret? And why does Kellan think it’s fine for this Olympus-guy to know I’m not actually from Drakoné?
The jeweler nods, a knowing smile on his lips. “A beautiful mystery.”
“Do you feel anything Calix? Can you sense anything about my Domina?” Kellan’s voice is tense, his eyes never leaving Calix’s.
I glance at Kellan, wondering what he means. But he’s staring at Calix, so I look back at the other man too. What does he think Calix will know?
Calix studies me intently, his gaze deep and probing. “Should I sense something specific?”
Kellan hesitates, a frown creasing his forehead. “I had to be certain.”
Certain of what? I want to yell out, but fear keeps the questions inside my head.
Calix leans in closer, his voice a hushed whisper. “You thought she might be human? Kellan, you know that’s forbidden. No human has stepped foot in Avalon since the door was sealed by the High Council.”
A jolt of fear sends ice through my veins. “Forbidden?” My voice trembles. “What do you mean humans are forbidden?”
Calix chuckles, a sound that doesn’t match the seriousness of the conversation. “If you were human, Domina of Kellan, you’d be hopelessly besotted with me by now.”
Confusion swirls inside me, stirring at my magick. “I don’t–”
Kellan shakes his head, a grim expression on his face. “Humans and Olympians have a unique chemical reaction when they meet.”
It can’t be true. My parents would’ve known if I wasn’t human. Right?
Panic grips me, a torrential wave crashing over my senses. My heart races, each beat a thundering drum in my ears. My breath comes in short, sharp gasps, each one less satisfying than the last.
“Domina.” Kellan reaches for me.
But I can’t hear him or feel him. Everything is blurring together. The colors, the sounds, the smells, they all meld into a dizzying clamor in my head. But what if my parents weren’t human either? Did they lie to me? Are they really my parents? Who am I?
My magick roars and I bite back a cry. I wasn’t paying attention. I let myself get too worked up. I’m going to hurt people. No. No. No. I spin around looking at all the blurry faces. I could kill them. “Kellan!”
Kellan’s grip on my hand tightens. Then he pulls me closer, putting a hand on each shoulder and leaning down to look me straight in the eyes. I see the green flare of his dragon. I feel the heat from the tattoo on my wrist, but it’s not enough. I can’t grab the magick back. It’s like trying to hold an armful of popcorn. Pieces are tumbling out in every direction.
“Breathe, focus on me, Domina,” he urges, his voice a steady anchor in the chaos of my mind. “I’ve got you.”
But he doesn’t. He doesn’t know how bad this gets. The magick surges, a wave about to break. It’s building, ready to explode outward.
Kellan moves with lightning speed, pulling me against his chest. His arms wrap around me as a shimmering aura of green magic unfurls, forming dragon wings of pure energy that cocoon us—containing my wild magick and protecting everyone around us from it’s destructive force—except him.
“Kellan, it will kill you,” I sob. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Magick Unleashed In The Marketplace
Hawke Stormblood
I rode straight through the rest of the night to get back to Camelot. Not a second of sleep. I wouldn’t have been able to close my eyes even if I’d tried.
I can feel her.
Each step my horse takes toward Camelot alleviates the pain of not being near her by a fraction, but it also intensifies my need exponentially. As I pass through the grand gates, my gaze sweeps through the crowd filling the courtyard, searching for her face.
The vibrant market buzzes with frenetic energy. A force beyond comprehension drives me forward, an unshakable conviction to find her—the woman from my vision. Thoughts of her crowd my mind.
Her presence, as palpable as the night air caressing my face, guides me. I take a deep breath reaching for the peace she offers.