Page 6 of Secrets of Avalon
I’m Fae, I can create illusions like this too. It could easily just be a lie, a creation meant to distract me. Or it could be my mind losing control and creating an illusion I’d rather live inside than reality. That scenario is much more likely.
“Real? Yes, I’m real. Are you real? Where am I? Where is this? Who are you?”
Her words tumble so quickly from her lips. Such pretty, pink, soft looking lips. I watch them move and I wonder what they would feel like against mine. I wonder what it would be like to have those lips on my skin. On my cock.
Fuck. What the hell? How did I just go there that quickly? What did she say? Did she ask me a question? Where she was…who I was. Except I don’t know where exactly this place is.
I drop the pebbles and stand, meeting her panicked gaze. “How did you get here?” I ask, looking at her again. Really looking. Her body is small and curvy. Her pants accentuate the beautiful curve of her bottom and her hips. The loose button up shirt hugs to her breasts. There’s cleavage showing and her skin looks dewy and bright, so very bright. Different from the rest of her skin. Like she’s hiding something that’s glowing under her shirt.
Then she’s gone. Evaporated into mist.
I look back and forth up and down the stream.
Where did she go?
Melinda Mayweather
The air erupts with screams, jolting me away from the stone door. My heart races. My hands tremble. It’s still closed. I didn’t go anywhere. Or did I? Confusion swirls in my mind. Who was the man I saw? Why didn’t he answer me? Fuck!
More screams pierce the air, a soundtrack of terror. My father, only a few feet away, grips a pistol in his hand, aiming at the chamber’s entrance. His gaze briefly meets mine and I see a mix of fear and determination.
“Mel, the door—how do we open it?” He shouts over the chaos. “What happened when you touched it? You froze, but I heard your voice!”
I move towards him, desperate for the safety his presence offers. But he sharply shakes his head, his eyes signaling me to stay back.
“No! Focus on the door, honey! You have to go through it,” he shouts, his voice strained with urgency.
Another scream, chilling and close, echoes from outside. Gunshots rip through the chamber, the sound deafening in the enclosed space. Bits of rock spray through the air like shrapnel.
“Dad!” My voice breaks, torn between running to him and the impossibility of the stone door before me. Is it even a door? Just a carving? Desperation tightens its grip on my chest. “I don’t even know if it opens.”
“Touch the door again, Mel. Find the answers,” he yells and turns back to firing his pistol at the chamber entrance.
With a racing heart and tears blurring my vision, I do as he asks. I turn back to the door and press my palms against its cold surface. In an instant, the chaos fades, and I’m plunged back into the other place.
The bank of a beautiful stream. And he’s there again. The mystery man, and now he’s wading through the stream towards me.
Hawke Stormblood
She’s back, but less corporeal… I can see through her and see others around her. Hear them screaming. My chest tightens. There’s shouting and fighting and the sound of small explosions.
She looks frantic. “I’m trying to find Avalon. Is this it? Please help me. The Inquisitors found me. I need to get through the door. How do I get through the door? Please, they're going to kill everyone!”
She pauses and looks at me, waiting. But there were so many things packed into those very quickly spoken flood of words and questions.
What door is she talking about? I touched the Earth door in the Hall of Realms. She’s not there. She’s not in Camelot with me. I’ve never seen her before. Who is she?
I’m losing my mind. I’m hallucinating. Creating my own reality. Fuck.
But I want to touch her. Mine. Mine. Mine. This deep primal part of me is growling and demanding I cross this stream to her right now. If I can just get to her, maybe I can keep her here. Keep her safe.
Even if I am going crazy. I’m keeping her with me in this twisted reality.
I push through the water faster, but she disappears again. “No!” I shout. “Give her back!” I yell, ordering whoever or whatever is controlling this illusion to return her. This place we’re in isn’t real, but it isn’t not real either.
Melinda Mayweather