Page 89 of Secrets of Avalon
The stallion snorts at the sight of the giant predator, his ears flicking back momentarily. Despite this, he handles the presence of the enormous wolf with impressive calm. Melinda, however, looks far less certain.
"It's alright," I murmur, trying to keep my voice steady despite the urgency pulsing through me. "You’ll be safe, I promise."
I lift Melinda off Fen's back. She trembles in my arms, her gaze fixed on the horse. She inhales sharply and her body goes rigid. I transfer her gently to the stallion's back.
“You just rode on Fen with no saddle. The horse has one and is meant to be ridden, sweet girl.” I rub her leg until some of the tension in her body releases.
“Everything with Fen happened so fast I didn’t have time to be nervous.”
I reach through our bond to soothe her more. “Lean forward as much as you can so I can get up behind you.”
She moves and I swing myself up behind her.
The heat of her body against my chest ignites a fire within me. I pull her close, my arms encircling her waist and I take the reins. The way her body molds against me sends a thrill through my veins. This is where she belongs—with me. Never separate.
“I’ve never ridden a horse before.”
"You’re safe, sweet girl," I whisper in her ear, my lips brushing against her soft skin. She leans back into me, her trust and affection flowing through our bond, intertwining with my own desire to protect her at all costs.
I urge the stallion forward, and the rest of my brothers in arms fall into line behind me. Fen’s wolf takes the lead, his powerful strides setting a swift pace out through the castle gate.
The darkness blotting out the pre-dawn light. We need to hurry. Something is brewing and I don’t want to still be in Camelot when whatever kind of storm it is hits.
We thunder across the drawbridge, the hooves of our horses echoing off the stones. The wind whips through my hair, carrying with it the scent of the trees and the promise of sanctuary in the forest ahead and the protection of Vandimoor and the soldiers it holds. Soldiers that will fight to the death to protect the woman I’ve chosen to be their next queen.
I just have to get her there. My people won’t let me down.
As we gallop through the forest, the trees blur past us in a rush of muted green and brown. The shadows deepen, blotted out by the dark cloud that seems to be following us now.
My mind races with thoughts of my family back at the castle. Did my parents escape? A flicker of uncertainty gnaws at me–did I even see Destrien there? The chaos in the tower blurred faces together. Did I actually spot him, or has my memory played tricks on me?
I shake my head, forcing these thoughts away. No time for doubts now. I must focus on getting Melinda to safety. My father will protect mother, and Destrien... if he was there, his savvy nature will guide him out.
Yet, the nagging doubt persists. Did I overlook something crucial in those frantic moments? I tighten my grip on the reins and Melinda, taking comfort in the warmth of her soft body pressed against my chest. Our bond pulses between us, a new and now constant reminder of our connection and commitment. I draw strength from it, from her.
I urge my stallion forward, every muscle taut as we plunge deeper into the forest. My eyes dart between shadows, searching for threats. Melinda's warmth against my chest contrasts sharply with the chill air whipping past us. Fen lopes ahead, his massive paws devouring the ground. But a new tension ripples through his form, setting my nerves ablaze. His instincts scream danger.
Suddenly, the trees part. We burst into a clearing teeming with impossible alliances. Sirens stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Upir. Drakonii are grouped with bow-wielding Elves. Fae and Asgardians mingle, while Valkyries form a protective wall behind...
My breath catches. A monstrous chimera dominates the space. Wolf head larger than Fen's whole body. Lion's muscled frame. A tail that belongs on no earthly creature.
"Halt!" I yank the reins, our mount rearing slightly. The beast turns, padding towards us with an unnatural grace that makes my skin crawl.
Fen's growl vibrates through the air. He crouches, ready to defend. This must be Nimue's beast—the one Melinda seeks. But why?
In a heartbeat, the chimera vanishes. A young man stands in its place, wild curls framing a face alight with iridescent magick. Recognition slams into me.
"The puppeteer!" Melinda gasps, her fingers digging into my arm. "From the queen's story at the festival!"
I study the young man more carefully. She’s right. The pieces don't fit, but there's no time to puzzle it out. We're surrounded, outmatched. I tighten my grip on Melinda.
Tension fills the air, making the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. A roar rips through the clearing. I whirl the horse around, my heart hammering against my ribs.
The darkness that poured from the tower has followed us—a writhing mass of inky blackness barely visible in the still dark sky. But it’s there. And it’s angry. It descends upon the clearing and shadowy forms coalesce within its depths. Golems. Dozens of them, their eyes glowing the magick the council imbued into them.
The first wave of golems crashes against us with a vicious war cry. The impact reverberates through my body, a bone-jarring shock that leaves me momentarily breathless. The council means to kill us. All of us. The bastards. Rage and disbelief surge through me, hot and sharp. The darkness is so thick, I can't see anything past the stallion's head.
Melinda trembles in my arms. Her magick is flaring and my head hurts from it. “Melinda, please.”