Page 25 of Hat Trick Heart
I roll my eyes and walk to my car, hitting the button to call Sassy. But it goes to voicemail. By the time I get to my car I’ve called at least ten times and she’s sent it to voicemail every time.
I sit in the car for a minute. Then I sigh. I’m sure her friend is there right now and they’re probably trashing jocks and figuring out which of my body parts they want to cut off first.
But I think I’m gonna have to go to phase two with her friend. I’m just gonna have to be patient and hope that I can get this figured out because there’s no way I’m gonna be able to let her go. Even if I have to kidnap her and tie her to my bed, I’m gonna get her to listen to me.
The next morning, after the worst night of my life, pacing and picking up the phone to try and call her about fifty million times, I call her friend.
“Hello?” she asks, wary as hell.
“Hi. You don’t know me but I’m Emile LaCourt.”
“Oh hell no! I know exactly who you are, asshole! You hurt my bestie! I’m going to crush your nuts!”
I cringe.
Shit! That’s quite the picture.
“I’m sorry about that. She just misunderstood what the coach was saying. I would never say that about her. As a matter of fact, I told the coach that I was going to ask her to marry me. I spent the other day looking for the perfect ring for her. Found it too. I’ve got it already to give to her. But right now she won’t even speak to me.”
“You want to marry her? Really?” Her voice is still wary but there’s a bit of hope in it too.
“Yes! I love her! I told her that!”
“Men tell women that all the time,” she scoffs.
“I’ve never told any woman that. Only her. But I need to find that big, romantic gesture that’s gonna get her to at least let me explain what happened.”
“So what do you want from me?”
“If I can get things together, can you get her back to the ice rink that’s in the middle of town? The open air one that the whole town goes to?”
“Sure. But why?”
“I don’t know exactly yet. But I think I have an idea how to get her attention. I just have to try and get my shot lined up.”
“Okay. Just don’t fuck this up. If you do love her, I’d hate to have to neuter you.”
I close my eyes. “Jesus. Yeah. Let’s try and avoid that.”
“What can you tell me about that Casey guy?”
“I’m telling you, Sassy. You need to get out and get some fresh air. You’re starting to get a little ripe. I’ve got just the thing to do. But first… go take a shower and wash your hair. You look like you haven’t had a shower all week.”
It’s been a week and although at first he called me constantly, he hasn’t called me at all for days and I should be happy.
Instead, all I can do is cry.
“I don’t want to go anywhere.”
“Too bad. You’re my bestie. You need to get it together, girl. You’re letting this guy make you look like hell! Where’s your pride? You gonna let this jock mess with your head again! I thought you wouldn’t let one of them make a hash out of your life again.”
I lift my head and growl at her. “I don’t want to hear this anymore, Becca! Why can’t you just let me wallow right now?”
“Because you stink and you’re letting this guy get away with making you look like shit! I expect better out of my bestie!”