Page 14 of Big Bad Boss: Mated
The dance floor in the center of the club is filled with revelers, thrashing in the neon lights. They dance around an elevated ten by ten stage that’s cordoned off with red rope. There are no hanging cages that I can see, and the stage is empty. For now.
Until our performance.
Above the stage, the ceiling opens to show a second floor that consists of a hall around an open square, lined with evenly spaced doors. There’s a railing for people to lean on and stare down at the stage. Or they can check into one of the rooms–like a hotel–and enjoy themselves in private.
At the end of the club is a giant gilt throne on a platform higher than the stage. There’s a throng of club goers around him, some of them mingling with the dancers. On the throne lounges a tall, well built man with lightly tanned skin. The spotlights fixed on him make his hair flare a brilliant white gold.
This had to be Thaddeus the vampire, self-styled king of Manhattan.
He straightens as we approach, looking past his leather-clad audience and raising a hand to snap his fingers. The pulsing music lowers. Most of the dancers move off the floor to take their seats, and the throngs part to let us approach the throne. It’s obvious Thaddeus and his posse were waiting for us.
Thaddeus beckons us forward.
Brick’s chest rumbles–his wolf thinks he’s being summoned and doesn’t like it.
Thaddeus’ lips quirk, and he raises his hand in a neutral greeting instead.
We step into the white pool of spotlights, and the heat is searing. There are more lights fixed on us than on the stage, and I realize that in this club, Thaddeus is the biggest performer of all.
Brick steps up onto the throne’s dais, taking me with him. Standing, this puts me at eye level with the vampire on the throne.
“Alpha and Luna Blackthroat, welcome.” Thaddeus has a lovely voice, deep and melodic. There’s a touch of a plummy British accent, but it sounds affected. Up close, it’s clear he’s not wearing makeup. His skin is just that smooth, his eyelashes that dark. It makes me think his platinum blond hair is natural, not dyed.
“Thaddeus.” Brick makes it clear he’s not in the mood to play games. He towers over the man sprawled on the throne, but Thaddeus doesn’t seem to mind. “We got your invitation.”
“I’m honored you came.” He sounds so sincere, I know it’s an act. We’re already performing.
But isn’t that what life is, in business and politics? None of us are our real selves in the office or behind a podium. Any glimpse of authenticity is carefully crafted. I never thought all the posturing in the boardroom would prepare me to meet a vampire, but here we are.
“I was dying to meet your new Luna.” Thaddeus turns to me.
I’m careful not to meet his eyes, which is weird, but necessary, given the power vampires have. I think they can just use their voice to enthrall people, but just in case, I fix my gaze on his unwrinkled forehead and white blond widow’s peak.
“Hello,” I say. I feel Thaddeus’ attention on me. It’s flattering, how intensely he’s fixated on me. I get a rush of adrenaline and fight the feeling. I can’t succumb to his allure.
Besides, I’ve been around powerful men before. I don’t scare easily, but I’m also not going to underestimate anyone.
“Ah, Blackthroat…” Thaddeus purrs. “She’s exquisite.”
Brick goes still in a way that means his wolf is gearing up for violence.
“I’m right here,” I roll my eyes. “If you’re going to compliment me, you can speak to me directly. Unless you’re just trying to rile up my fiance.”
A few of the leather clad people behind the throne gasp, and then there’s a taut silence. At my side, Sully shifts slightly, and I know he’s gearing up to leap in front of me if the vampire king lunges for my throat.
Thaddeus lets out a booming laugh. It’s loud enough to be heard over the bass to the back of the club, but somehow it’s hollow. “I heard you had a backbone. I should’ve known a sheep couldn’t run with the wolves.” A few of his posse chuckle along with him, and I feel a flash of pity and contempt. A thousand years of life, and all you have is a fetish club and a few hangers on? No pack. No friends. No mate.
This poor guy. No wonder he pulled power strings to see if we’d dance like puppets. He’s bored, like Ruby said. All he has to look forward to is night after night sitting on a fake throne.
I lean into Brick, letting his warmth strengthen me. The way the vampire follows my every movement reminds me he’s an apex predator. “Brick knew I needed a night out. I was fascinated when he told me about this place.”
“Really?” Thaddeus knows I’m flattering him and can’t help but soak it up.
“Oh yes.” I lower my voice to a whisper. “I shouldn’t say this, but you have a certain reputation…among the lady wolves.”
This time Thaddeus’ laugh is truly delighted. He’s probably more amused by Sully and Billy’s outraged reactions than my comment, but I’ve surprised him.
He straightens up on his throne. “I’d love to show you more of my humble club’s charms if you’d let me.” And he holds out his hand for me to take it.