Page 19 of The Darkest Hour
Not a good idea.
The daggers drove into their arms, those sharp points digging into their flesh.
Blood poured across the marble floor.
“So close, but not good enough!” I charged for her and shot at her legs, missing with each pull of the trigger.
I never missed so much until tonight. It pissed me the fuck off that I couldn’t get a bullet close enough to her.
Anger thundered through me. “Come here!”
She needed her daggers.
I blocked the path to the guards—where she’d left them in their arms.
I shot at her again and missed.
I need to get ahold of her. She’s too fast for a target.
Quickly, I rushed for her and got close.
I reached out to snatch her neck.
She twisted around me, dancing almost, twirling and leaping.
I grabbed for her again.
She blocked me and turned out of the way.
Get your ass over here!
Before I knew it, she’d maneuvered me away from blocking the guards.
A sexy feminine voice left those lips. “Thanks.”
She reached the guards and yanked the daggers out their arms.
“Where’s your whistle?” I shot at her feet.
She shrieked and jumped in the air, flipping back.
I shot again and missed.
She landed on her feet and whistled. “Do you like it when I do that?”
“Yes.” I licked my lips, raised my gun, and targeted her forehead. “When I catch you, I’m going to stuff my cock in your mouth and make you whistle on it.”
“I bet your cock is too small for me to even get a good whistle in.”
I shot at her head.
She twisted away.
“Are you as pretty as you sound?” I pointed the gun at her chest. “Take the mask off.”