Page 36 of The Darkest Hour
Thick black smoke began to rise above the flames.
I couldn’t even see the fucking idiots shooting at the boat. “Let’s go!”
We stumbled but managed to keep our balance.
Onyx reached the raft first, quickly untying and throwing it into the water.
I followed suit, grabbing the edge of the raft and helping her steady it.
“Get in!” I shouted, pushing her towards the raft.
She hesitated for a split second, her eyes meeting mine with clear uncertainty.
If she had been a man, I might have shoved her into the fire and raced off with the boat. Unfortunately, there was some part of my damn soul that wouldn’t leave a woman stranded no matter how much that woman wanted me dead.
“Get your ass in there.” I glared. “We can fucking kill each other later.”
“Shit.” Then she jumped into the raft, and I followed, barely managing to hold on as another explosion rocked the boat.
The raft rose and then hit the water with a violent splash, sending icy droplets cascading over us.
This fucking week just gets better and better!
Every muscle in my body screamed with the effort as we paddled furiously, the roar of the explosions and the relentless gunfire from the other boat driving us forward.
The cold ocean spray mixed with the acrid smell of smoke and burning fuel, assaulted my senses and made it hard to breathe, but I pushed through it all.
Onyx paddled just as hard with me.
The raft bobbed and rocked in the turbulent waves, each movement jarring and unpredictable. The ocean itself seemed to be in turmoil, the normally rhythmic waves were now chaotic and violent. Each stroke of the paddle felt like a battle against the very elements.
My arms burned with the effort, but I pushed through the pain, driven by the primal need to survive.
I glanced at Onyx, her face remained set in fierce determination as she paddled beside me.
And the irony of the situation wasn't lost on me. Just moments ago, we were ready to kill each other, and now we were forced to work together to survive.
Life was funny that way.
Saltwater stung my eyes, blurring my vision, and the taste of brine filled my mouth every time I gasped for air, but I didn’t stop or slow down.
I roared, “Come on! Keep that tempo!”
Onyx's clenched her jaw and paddled fast.
“Keep going!” I shouted. “We need to get out of range!”
Behind us, the boat we’d just left was being torn the fuck apart. It was all the sharp crack of gunfire punctuated by the deep, resonant booms of bombs. Even from our distance, I could feel the heat of the flames, and the air around us thick with the smell of burning metal and gasoline.
Anyone else left on there was either dead, drowning, or being burnt alive.
Each explosion sent shockwaves through the water, causing our small raft to pitch and roll.
Shit. We might get flipped out of this stupid thing.
Onyx slowed a little.
“I know you’re tired, but we're not safe yet!” I coughed from the smoke. “Keep going. Put all your energy in it.”