Page 43 of The Darkest Hour
She looked thoughtful for a moment before speaking again. “Have you ever heard about the bear vs. man question?”
I shook my head. “No. I’ve been busy hiding from maniacs. What’s that about?”
She adjusted her position, drawing her knees closer to her chest as she explained. “So, in this video that went viral, women were asked whether they’d rather be stuck in the woods with a man or a bear.”
“And to everyone’s surprise. . .most women answered that they’d rather be stuck with a bear.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Why would they prefer a bear over a man?”
“Many believe bears are more predictable and that bear attacks are very rare compared to the murder and sexual violence committed by men.”
“I can see that. Many men can be dangerous bastards. But even more. . .I could see the bear being a smarter answer but for different reasons.”
“What do you mean?”
“I would rather be trapped with a bear than a man.”
“Why?” Onyx shifted closer, her eyes reflecting the moonlight as she waited for my response.
I leaned back, considering the question carefully before speaking. “It’s about survival.”
“If I’m stuck out there, a bear would be incredibly useful once it’s dead. For starters, I could eat it. Bear meat can be tough, but it’s a good source of protein and fat, essential for keeping your strength up in the wild.”
Her eyes widened slightly.
“The fur would be invaluable. It’s thick and warm, perfect for making blankets or clothing to keep me from freezing in the cold nights. Plus, I could use the bones to fashion tools or weapons. Bear claws and teeth can be turned into makeshift knives. Even the bear’s fat can be rendered down for cooking or used as a source of light.”
“You sound like you’ve survived being lost in the woods before.”
“I have.”
She blinked.
I continued, “I could eat a man too, but I’m not a fan of cannibalism.”
“Thank God since I’m stuck with you.”
“It’s not just the moral repulsion; human meat can carry diseases, and the psychological toll of eating another person is immense.”
She shuddered.
“And human skin isn’t nearly as useful as bear fur. It’s thinner and wouldn’t provide the same level of warmth or durability. You could maybe make some crude leather out of it, but it’s not practical for surviving in the wild.”
She held her mouth open in shock.
“Come here so we can keep warm.”
“After you just discussed the pros and cons of eating and skinning a human?”
“I believe I offered more cons than pros.”
“I believe you spent too much time thinking about it.”
Or I actually had to eat a man before.