Page 5 of Wait For Me
Bagger: Gonna be late.
Sarah: What? Why? We’re already naked and waiting on you, baby.
Bagger: Eat some pussy while you wait then, I got club business.
Sarah: Tell them your busy for once.
Fuck this bitch and her demands.
Bagger: It’s you’re. Go get an education while you wait because I won’t be there at all now.
Sarah: Because I used the wrong fucking word?
Bagger: Nah, it’s because I told you that you were just a fuck, but you seem to think that I would put you before my club. I don’t need that shit.
Sarah: I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m just horny baby.
Bagger: Well, you have a friend there with you to take care of that.
Sarah: You know that’s not really my thing.
Bagger: Why do it then?
Sarah: You know why.
Bagger: And that’s why this is done.
I dropped my phone back into my pocket and slid into the office behind Tripp and Mack.
“What’s up?”
“Take a seat, Bag.” Mack ordered as he moved to the small bar Tripp had set up in his office. He grabbed the Patrón and started pouring which didn’t bode well. Shots of tequila coming before a fucking talk with the Prez and VP of the club felt wrong.
“I have a problem,” Tripp started without really explaining shit.
“Okay, you need me to take care of something?”
“Yeah, I do.” He sat there, slammed the shot that Mack handed him and then shook his head as if he didn’t really want to say whatever was about to come out of his mouth. Before he could speak, Mack slammed his shot and spoke instead.
“For the record, I think this is a shit plan, but it seems to be the only way right now.”
“I’m still in the fucking dark here.”
“Look, man, I wouldn’t ask this, but I can’t lose her. If she isn’t able to stay, she’ll take off, and I can’t let that happen. It’s too dangerous.” Tripp might as well have been talking to the desk, because he hadn’t lifted his head once as he said that
“Who? What the hell is going on?”
“Star turns eighteen and graduates high school in two months.”
“O-k-a-y,” I hummed the word, dragging it out because I still wasn’t catching on to how this involved me.
“If you’re really going to do this, stop pussy-footing around and tell the man what the hell you want,” Mack growled at his brother. Those two were once brothers by marriage, since Tripp married Mack’s little sister, but they were always club brothers, even before that. To see Mack speak to Tripp that way was odd. Normally, he was pretty laid back and didn’t have a whole lot that would set his temper off.
“You know our bylaws about club kids who turn eighteen,” Tripp attempted to explain, apparently still dipping his toes into the murky waters he was trying to avoid. A picture was starting to form in my mind though.
“After eighteen, you either join the club in some way or you aren’t welcome back,” I responded.
Tripp nodded. “Only two ways Star can join the club because like fuck I’m going to have my own daughter here as a club whore.” The words were spat out with a viciousness I’d never heard from my club president, but then again, I guess picturing his baby girl being passed around by his brothers and having to see that shit would inspire a visceral reaction. “She has to become a member or an old lady.”