Page 62 of Wait For Me
“It’s whatever. She may have pretended to be my bestie, but I never gave her the same space in my head, fake or not. Who knows? Maybe, that’s why she did it.”
“The fact that some douchebag was lucky enough to have a woman who was clearly out of his league and then cheated on you is the part I can’t get over.”
“He wasn’t lucky to have me though. When we first started seeing one another, probably around the time Viv showed off that picture I sent to her, I thought maybe I could make a go of something.”
“But it never felt right. I knew the minute he started stepping out on me because he couldn’t hide his guilt. Never let him touch me after that and in the big scheme of things, none of it mattered to me. I left all the shit we bought for our apartment behind with him because I didn’t want reminders of the time that I tried to fake a relationship. It just felt gross. And as you pointed out in your argument earlier, I don’t lack the funds to get new things.”
She had me there. “Doesn’t matter anyway. I have everything you need for now, and anything you want, we’ll get as we go.”
“Yeah.” It was a quiet word, but even I could hear the promise in it. I leaned in and kissed her lips just as Mack and Viv rolled up on his Panhead.
“What’s going on here?” Mack called out before he even killed the engine.
The fucking grin on my face should have told him everything he needed to know, but the daft fuck was waiting for one of us to spell it out to him.
“I can’t take listening to the two of you fuck for one more day!” Star blurted out. “I should probably send you the bill for my therapy, Daddy!” The way she emphasized the last word, and considering he wasn’t her father, there was no holding back my laughter.
“Oh shit!” Viv yelped and hid her face down in between Mack’s shoulders.
“Damn, I guess I see your point,” Mack told his niece, though the bastard was failing at holding in his own laughter as he patted Viv’s hands that were still wrapped tightly around his waist. “So, you found a house then?”
“Yeah, mine,” I answered for Star. Viv perked up then and peeked around Mack’s shoulder.
“Seriously? You convinced her to move in with you?” I nodded and the damned woman started doing some kind of celebratory dance on the back of Mack’s bike.
“All right, let’s get you on your feet for that shit before you break something,” Mack teased his woman.
“I’m so happy for you guys,” Viv announced as she ran toward us with her arms open. For such a tiny woman, she managed to grab both of us and practically swallow us up in her embrace. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for years.”
“Tell me how you really feel, Aunt Viv.”
“Oh, hush! You know all I ever wanted for you was your happiness. I think you’re both in a place now where you can give that to one another.”
I didn’t miss the fact that Star didn’t bother correcting her aunt and letting Viv know that she was moving in as a roommate, and not as a live-in-lovers situation, though that was exactly what it would be if I got my way. Mack tipped his head to me from where he stood by his bike taking in the scene.
“You don’t have to worry,” I told him.
“I know, because if you fuck up there’s a line waiting to beat some sense back into you.”
“Harder!" I screamed at Jared as he pounded into me while I tried to hold myself up against the shower wall. It was already an awkward angle thanks to our height difference, and the slippery surfaces were not helping. There was a part of me that felt like the danger of possibly slipping and busting my face open somehow enhanced the situation.
“If I go any harder, we’re both going onto the injured reserve list in life. Don’t know about you, but I don’t want my dick broken.”
“No, that’s not… agh! Yeah, right there, Jared!”
“You like that?”
“Don’t stop. Whatever you do, don’t fucking stop.” Jared pounded into me a little harder, though in this position it was as good as it was going to get. He was literally holding me with both hands at my waist and fucking into me. My legs and feet were wrapped around the backs of his thighs and my hands, that were slipping a little more with each thrust, were holding me up on the tiled shower wall.
“Do not slip!” Jared ordered as he pumped a little faster. “I mean it, Star.” His growly demanding voice always worked almost as well as his body to help get me off. “You want me to pound this pussy again later, you will hang in there until we both cum.”
“I’m… fuck… Jared!” I moaned as my climax hit me. The sheer determination it took to keep myself balanced on the wall as my entire body convulsed in pleasure should have won me a freaking award.