Page 67 of Wait For Me
“Don’t mean to sound like a dick,” Breakneck said, “but I hope it ain’t mine.”
“Fuck man, we’re all going to be hoping that shit. No man wants a surprise baby with a former club girl.”
“Do you know what she’s doing now? Does she work?”
“I would assume so since she’s supporting her kid, but that’s some of the shit I want you to find out. Better to know everything ahead of time, because no matter what, one of us is most likely the father of her kid. We’ll need the information for whoever the unlucky son of bitch ends up being.”
STAR: Finished. They can get you in for DNA testing at the lab if you hustle and get there by three this afternoon.
I looked down at the clock on my phone. It was 1:30 pm. “Shit, I gotta go. They can squeeze me in for DNA today.”
“I don’t even know if I want to volunteer for that test man. I have to think about it,” Breakneck hesitated and then sighed. “Fuck, I’ll ride with you and see if they can squeeze me in too.”
“Let’s go.”
“Were you fuckers planning to tell anyone else?” I turned to see Kip standing there fuming.
“Shit, man. I’m still trying to wrap my head around things. The only reason I told Break was that I needed him to do some checking up on Vina.”
“So, what? You were going to take your test and let the rest of us just flap in the wind?”
“Nah, brother. I was going to take the test because if it was me, then there was no reason for the rest of you fuckers to ever have to worry about it.”
“Damn.” Breakneck quietly dropping that one word about summed everything up.
“Let’s go. What’s one more along for the testing?”
“Ash will fucking kill me if this kid is mine,” he admitted as he walked out front to where all of our bikes were parked. “Aren’t you shacked up with my sister now?”
“She’s gonna fucking kill you too.”
“Nah, she was there when Vina showed up. Your sister is at the hospital getting tested to see if she’s a match for the kid, so she can donate some bone marrow.”
“What the fuck?”
“She’ll be there, we’ll fill you in when we get there,” I told him before I put my helmet on and headed out.
Three days later, Jared, Kip, Breakneck, and I all sat around Jared's kitchen table so that we had privacy to open the tests that were done. I had explained to the lab who did my donor match that I didn't want to know until the guys could have the results in their hands too.
“Well, who wants to go first?” I asked.
“Fuck it, I’ll do it. There’s not anyone else to disappoint on my end if this shit comes back for me,” Breakneck told us. He opened his envelope and pulled out the paper, scanned it once, twice, and a third time before I felt like coming out of my skin. “Sorry, kids, it ain’t me.”
I could feel the tension in Jared’s shoulders as one of them was eliminated. “Okay, let’s just get this over with,” I told him.
Jared ripped into his envelope and pulled the paper out too. We both scanned it at the same time, and he also was not the father. He squeezed me tight with one arm, but like me, didn’t want to celebrate just yet with my brother sitting beside us waiting for answers.
“It’s not me either,” he finally announced to Kip directly.
I watched as my brother’s hands shook as he slipped a finger under the corner of the envelope and slid it open. The page shook as he opened it up and looked down at the results, then his brow furrowed so deeply he appeared twenty years older. “I don’t understand what this means,” he said.
I leaned over to take a peek and gasped. “Oh my God!”