Page 71 of Wait For Me
“We don’t know that though. My sister. God, I can’t believe I have a little sister. We haven’t even met yet and I might lose her.”
“I will be right here, by your side, no matter what. We’ll get through whatever is thrown at us. That little girl is lucky. She has a whole club behind her now. We’ll find her a donor match.”
“Don’t do that, okay?”
“Make promises that might not work out. Let’s just hope for the best.”
“Okay, baby. Whatever you need.”
“Can you take me to bed now? I’m so tired.”
It took three weeks for Ash to find out that Kip was the Martin who took the DNA test that ended up implicating his father as the person who fathered Davina's daughter, Coral.
“You never even said a word!” She yelled at him, not caring that we were all in the middle of a family friendly cookout that was also working as a fundraiser to make sure there was plenty of money available for Coral’s medical expenses.
My woman offered to pay all of it, as she had done for her aunt, but her father wouldn’t hear of it. So, instead, she organized a fundraiser cookout, and planned to donate the most money anyway.
“Because I didn’t need to,” Kip yelled back as Davina stood beside us and cringed. She was on a break from the hospital while Tripp was there visiting with his daughter.
“Yes, you did! I had a right to know that you fucked some stupid whore, and she could have been pregnant at the same time I was.”
“That woman is my sister’s mother, and you’re going to watch how you talk about other people, Ashlynn.” I could feel Star’s rage about to boil over, even though it sounded as though Kip had everything under control.
Ash laughed. “I’m just calling her what she is!”
“Nah, see, just like you, she moved on from that life. Now, she’s a mom and a paralegal.”
“Once a whore, always a whore!” Ashlynn shouted while staring straight at Davina.
“Funny you should mention that.” Breakneck called out to her. “Had someone follow you for a few months now.”
Ash turned to glare at him, but the look dropped to worry, maybe a little devastation, as she noticed what he was holding.
Breakneck threw what looked like a stack of eight by ten photos at her. We all inadvertently moved in to get a better look. There was a lot of skin showing, but the one picture that Star bent to pick up did more to rile my woman than anything else.
“You were fucking someone who wasn’t my brother and had my nephew there to witness?” She dropped the image and I watched as Kip picked it up and was horror-stricken while Star launched herself at Ash. Her fists were flying before anyone registered what was really happening since they were all preoccupied by the images scattered on the ground.
“What the fuck is going on here?” Mack bellowed from over near the clubhouse door. That jolted me out of the stupor I’d somehow fallen into. I moved to pull Star off Ash, but a hand stopped me. Kip was standing there shaking his head.
“I can’t do it, so we’re going to let Star get her licks in.”
“Ash was having an affair?” I asked Breakneck who stood beside us watching Star beating the absolute shit out of her one-time best friend.
“Nope,” he moved a little closer, ready to pull the women apart before someone caught a murder charge. “She was running tricks for cash.”
“She was doing what?” I asked as Kip stood by stoically and watched his sister tear into his wife.
“Turning tricks for cash. Been doing it for months. It was the job she claimed to have that was bringing in so much money that she could afford to hire Nova as her nanny,” he started to tell me while looking around for the cute little nanny he had become infatuated with.
“Yo, finish up,” I insisted as I snapped my fingers to draw Break’s attention back to us.
“Yeah, so there was no job. She’s been earning on her back and had the nerve to call Vina a whore.”