Page 37 of Baby Me
“Yeah, but cool at the same time,” Kip agreed.
“I’ll have to check with her doctor. Children carry so many germs that we’re not even really aware of sometimes, especially if they’re in daycare.”
“Knox has a nanny and doesn’t go out a lot, but I totally get erring on the side of caution. They can always meet later, when she’s feeling better.”
I nodded my head again and closed my eyes to imagine a day where my daughter got to meet her nephew who was so close in age to her. They could grow up as friends. At least I hoped for that outcome. I couldn’t imagine a future where my baby girl didn’t get to grow up like everyone else.
Chapter 17
Tripp - Two days later
I was about to head back into the hospital to see my girls when my phone started ringing. “Whatcha got?”
“Are you at the hospital?” Scout asked.
“Yeah, just about to head back inside. I couldn’t track the bitch down anywhere.”
“Yeah, she’s off the radar for now. We’re looking though. I’m here, in the cafeteria. Can you meet me, so we can discuss what I found?”
“Be right there.”
I hung up and took off into the hospital at a good clip and followed the signs to the cafeteria where I found Scout seated in the back corner, hunched over her laptop while dipping her fries in what looked like mayonnaise. That was nasty.
“What the fuck are you eating?”
She glanced down and then shrugged her shoulders before popping another white-sauce drenched fry into her mouth. “It’s Ranch. They didn’t have tartar sauce, which is what I prefer.”
“You’re fuckin’ weird.”
“You shouldn’t knock it before you try it.” She shoved her tray my way, but I shook my head.
“Pretty sure you didn’t call me here to taste test your bullshit. What’s up?”
All playfulness left her eyes as they met mine. Everything about her change in demeanor suddenly screamed how serious the shit was about to get.
“I don’t know where she is right now, but I do know where she has been, and it isn’t good.”
“Fuck!” I groaned. “How did I not know she was up to shit?”
“Probably because you were living your life and not stuck up her ass 24-7.” When I dropped a scathing look Scout’s way, she grinned at me. “What? It’s the truth. This broad is a bunny-boiler. It wouldn’t surprise me to find out she’s been tailing you and your whole family since high school.”
My brows rose at that. “Are you serious?”
Scout nodded. “She is weirdly fixated on you and your family. I think we need to put security on your girls. Kip can handle his own shit. I know Star is capable, but she also has Bagger and he’ll make sure she’s safe once I give them the head’s up as well. As for Davina and Coral, they need someone on them.”
“They have me.” I didn’t miss the way Scout’s face scrunched in displeasure when she said Davina’s name.
“When you’re not here?” She asked.
“I’ll make sure someone is with them. What’s your problem with Vina? I thought you two used to be friends.”
“I thought so, too. Then I found out she wasn’t sure if her daughter was Kip’s.”
“You can’t hold that against her.”
“I know,” Scout huffed. “It doesn’t mean that shit doesn’t affect me. She slept with my boyfriend.”
“You guys were broken up and she was a club girl. It was literally her job back then to go off with whatever man chose her for things. I think that’s something you can understand, considering it’s the reason you and Kip ended.”