Page 5 of Baby Me
“I guess we’ll see. He’s either going to claim her or have to let her go because my boy isn’t one for sharing what he considers his.”
“Truer words…” Breakneck let that sentiment hover as he put his lid on and started his Harley.
We rode right into the heart of Augusta before Breakneck turned onto Center Street. I groaned because it was obvious that he had a destination in mind. Meanwhile, I thought we’d just get to Augusta, fuel up, and head back. Breakneck obviously had a bigger plan in mind for the night. I hoped he didn’t bring me out here to get drunk at a bar and hook up with anyone.
June and I might not be officially dating yet, since she was still married to her husband, but we were serious enough that I wouldn’t do that without discussing the dynamics of our arrangement first. Knowing June, she wouldn’t agree to us being free to explore other people until her divorce. Then again, it had been three months since we first went out to ‘catch up’ and there wasn’t even a whisper of when said divorce might happen.
She kept putting me off by saying that her father needed to hand over the reins to the bank first, and once he did, she could file the day after the ink was dry.
We pulled up outside of the Chop House, a pricey restaurant that did not at all look like it was open to bikers as its clientele. It certainly didn’t look like a place Breakneck would willingly dine. Still, he parked across the street from the place, and I followed suit. The minute the engines were killed, I started to pull my helmet off, but Break stopped me.
“Leave it on. Wanted you to see something. Wasn’t sure it was going to be worth the site until I heard your plans got canceled earlier.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means,” he stated coolly as he pointed across the street, “you need to keep your helmet on so you aren’t noticed and can watch what’s happening in the outdoor seating area over there.”
I turned to look and after scanning the outdoor area once, I took it slower on the second pass and noticed a familiar woman walking back to a table in the middle. She leaned in and kissed a man who pulled her chair out for her and then sat down with a wide smile on her face. My phone pinged with a text, and I took it out to look while I wrapped my head around that shit.
Breakneck, who had been thinking with his fucking head instead of being shocked by the sight, had sent me a picture of that kiss and her smile.
Fucking June. The woman who claimed her marriage was a convenience only and that she was getting divorced soon, sure did seem very pleased to be out on a date with her husband and their friends.
“How did you know?” I asked my club brother.
“You’ve been spending a lot of time with her. Found out she was married, but it seemed like you knew that, so I wanted to check out the details. Didn’t seem she was on the up-and-up with you. Would have let it go because if you want to do married broads, that’s your shit to deal with. When you said your plans were canceled, I guessed you didn’t get the real reason for that. If you knew about this, then we’ll forget it ever happened and ride back to the clubhouse for a beer.”
I nodded my head. “‘Preciate ya, brother.” I threw a leg back over my bike and sat there for a minute. “She told me she wasn’t feeling well. Know she’s married. It’s complicated as she’s an old flame from before Kim.”
“Figured there was history,” Breakneck said.
“Don’t want this getting back to my kids.”
“My lips are sealed. Free advice, Prez.” He said and when I didn’t stop him, he carried on. “Married bitches are more trouble than they’re worth. History or not.”
“Seems like it,” I stated as I turned to look back at the table again. June was leaned in with her arm around her husband as she used her other hand to wipe something from his mouth. Then, she leaned in further and kissed him again for everyone to see. I started my Harley and backed it out of the spot I’d pulled into. As I waited for Breakneck to do the same, on the road in front of the restaurant, I revved my engine loudly. It caused a bit of a stir as everyone who was dining in the outdoor area glanced over. I knew the minute June clocked me because I was watching her.
My full-face helmet didn’t give it away that it was me, but I saw her stiffen all the same, especially when she noticed my club brother with me. He was still backing out, thanks to a kid who ran behind his bike who he had to wait for. She could clearly see the Savage Vipers patch on his cut from where she was seated.
“Yeah, June. Caught ya.” I murmured into my helmet. I had no right to be mad. She was married and I knew that going in. Still, it felt like she had grossly misrepresented herself and the relationship she had with her husband. The only thing I could think was that this was all some elaborate plan to fuck with me because of the way I chose another woman over her all those years ago. If that was the case, then fuck that bitch. I hope she enjoyed her revenge. She wouldn’t get any more of a reaction out of me than she already had.
I felt my phone buzzing with text messages the whole way back to the clubhouse. Fuck her and any excuses she had for me. I was too fucking old to play these kinds of games with women. That was one of the reasons Davina hadn’t been a realistic option. Game playing went hand in hand with most club girls and younger women. Not that I’d ever heard of her being involved in bullshit drama, but still. It was a concern I’d had. It was one that I didn’t think would be a worry with June, despite her relationship status, because she was old enough to know better.
Served me right for thinking there was an age limit on bullshit drama.
When we finally got back to the clubhouse, Breakneck hesitated before going in. “You good, Prez?”
“Yeah, man. Thanks for that little trip. It was enlightening.”
“Not even gonna bust my chops for digging into your business?”
“Nah. You were doing your job. The results of you lookin’ out for me and the club aren’t your fault. Head on in and enjoy the rest of your night. I’ll be along in a minute.”
“I can save one of the girls for you,” Breakneck called out as he made his way to the door. He didn’t wait for my answer.
I wouldn’t be touching any of the club girls tonight. Something I’d learned about myself long ago was that whenever life through a curveball my way, it was imperative to take a moment to process that shit before making any snap judgements or decisions.
Despite my fingers itching to pull my phone out and check the messages she left me, I waited. The night air felt like a thick cloak around me until a sweet voice spoke up from the shadows.