Page 55 of Baby Me
Tripp got up and leaned out into the hallway to tell the nurse to send his sisters back. The nurse rolled her eyes at him but did as he instructed.
“This is JoJo, Christina, and Legs. They’re going to stay here with me while you go check out the cousin’s place and handle business. I have reason to believe that is where your crazy ex is hiding out.” Keys smiled at Tripp. “Don’t worry, we’ll take good care of your girls while you handle shit. When it’s all said and done, the threat will be done for good.”
Tripp leaned in, kissed me, and then took off with Mack and Breakneck hot on his heels.
“So, you’re all members of a female-only biker club?” They nodded. “That’s awesome.” I probably sounded like an idiot.
“We think so,” JoJo stated. “How are you holding up?”
“I’m just about on my last nerve today, if I’m being honest.”
“That’s to be expected. I was once in a shootout on the side of a mountain.” JoJo confided in me. “It was intense, but my old man was by my side the whole time.”
“You obviously made it out.”
“We both did.”
“Thank you for trying to get my mind off whatever is going on here today, but I don’t think it’s possible.”
JoJo smiled and then gave me a slow nod.
“It was worth a shot.” The woman playfully sent me finger guns and a wink before giggling at herself. Under any other circumstances, I could probably be great friends with the women from the S.H.E. MC.
Chapter 25
It was a small wonder that no one had called the cops already. Anna’s place stunk to high heaven. June’s cousin was probably dead before the bitch ever took Barry out. She’d not only killed her cousin brutally but had apparently been living in her place ever since.
“Tripp, you need to see this,” Mack stated, and I knew whatever it was would be bad because the man had a cast iron stomach, but looked like he was about to puke.
When I made my way through the only clean spots on the floor to the other room it only took a second for me to find what Mack wanted me to see. There, hung on the wall in the spare bedroom was the picture that a club girl had taken of me and Kim on our last trip to Sturgis. It appeared as though June had tried to desecrate the image. There was a red “X” drawn across Kim’s beautiful face, but there was something hanging down from her neck and it looked almost like a cutout doll in a wedding dress had been pasted over the rest of my dead wife’s body. When I got closer, I flipped up the sagging bit and found June’s face smiling back at me. She had taken her wedding photo, blown it up to match Kim’s size in the picture of us, and then taped herself overtop of Kim as if it was some crude wedding portrait for June and me.
“What the absolute nutball shit is that?” Breakneck asked.
“This, the blown-up photo of Kim and me from Sturgis was taken from my house before the fire. That means there’s no doubt this bitch killed my wife. This used to hang on our mantel in our house,” I informed Breakneck. “I want her in our fucking clubhouse. Find her, man.”
Breakneck put his hand on my shoulder in a calming gesture but there wasn’t anything that could bring me back from my homicidal state after seeing the evidence that meant I’d entertained dating the woman who killed my fucking wife.
I ripped June’s mock wedding photo down and wanted to cry because there were little burn marks and more red exes all over Kim’s image. If there had been one thing I missed from that house fire, besides my wife, it was our picture.
“Over here!” Someone shouted. The sounds of a scuffle barely reached my brain as I was stuck somewhere between the past and present and the horrific scene we had to navigate through to find the cunt who had made such a fucking mess of so many lives.
After a minute, Grady and Mack came out with a grinning June in their arms. She fought them until she saw me. “Are you ready to take me back to the clubhouse and make me your old lady?” She asked.
“We’re definitely going back to the clubhouse, June.”
I turned and walked out while the other men followed quickly on my heels. I looked back at Breakneck then and gave one last order. “Burn it to the ground.”
I took a few minutes to myself before I went into the house of horrors. We did not take June back to the clubhouse because she didn’t deserve to step foot in our place, not even as a fucking prisoner. Instead, we unanimously decided to take her to the house of horrors where the serial killing bastard who used to rent a room to Kip’s nanny had resided. It was luck that between Breakneck and Kip they discovered the conditions that Nova was living in before she became one of the asshole’s victims.
“It’s fitting that we brought you here,” I said to June as they tied her to the rafters in the basement.
“Where are we? This isn’t the clubhouse, Tripp. We’re supposed to be together now. You need to take me there and give me my patch and your ink. That’s what you do, right? That’s what Kim told me you did to her.”
I stepped forward and backhanded June. “Don’t you ever say her name again or I will start keeping count of the teeth I knock out of your mouth. One for every time you dare to spill her name from your vile mouth.”
“What the hell are you saying?” June screeched. “You’re mine! Not hers! Never hers! Fuck Kim. Fuck that filthy whore who tried to take you from me.”