Page 7 of Talk About… History
The trip from Virginia to North Carolina was a solid six hours. That meant six hours of shitty playlists, bickering, and more junk food and coffee than anyone should ever consume.
Yet, I hadn’t felt more like myself in years.
It was too easy to fall back to the easy sibling rivalries and teasing, and Sidney fit right into that mix.
Eventually, it was just me and Nash awake in the front, while the other three were slumped over in the backseat.
I glanced back, raising an eyebrow at Sidney tucked into Maverick’s side, his arm around her protectively.
“Is there something I don’t know about them?” I asked Nash. He looked back quickly then focused on the road again.
“Not that either of them will admit,” he said before shrugging and swiftly changing the subject. “I haven’t told Mom yet.”
“How has she been?” I asked, my voice giving away the guilt that was threatening to drown me.
My calls with her had been less and less frequent as the years passed. When I stopped coming home, she’d still ship me gifts. There were some calls and texts, even when I was always chased off the phone by my former pack.
“Hey, don’t do that. Don’t look back. It happened, things got rough, but you’re coming home. I promise you that will be all Mom focuses on.”
I nodded, unable to form words. The glass was cool as I pressed my head to it, letting it chase off the swirling thoughts and emotions I just wanted to get rid of.
Apparently, I drifted off, because I woke up as the car came to a stop and the key shut off in the ignition.
My eyes were gritty and my neck ached something fierce. I stretched out as the others stirred in the back. Daylight was coming up at this point and I looked out the window to see we were at a big gas station, not home.
“Last stop before Rockwood Valley,” Nash said. He sounded as exhausted as I did. I frowned over at him, taking in the dark circles.
“Tell me y’all aren’t working today,” I said.
“You know we work nearly every day,” he countered. “But no, we put a sign up for locals and we’ll open up after dinner time tonight.”
“I’m so-” He moved so fast that I didn’t see it coming, his hand covering my mouth to stop the words.
“If I hear one more apology from you I’m going to make you scrub toilets at the brewery for a week,” he said, his voice deadly serious.
I tried to answer but my voice was too muffled to be heard properly. He narrowed his eyes and pulled his hand away.
“Fine. I won’t say it,” I grumbled, pushing open the door and climbing out of Nash’s oversized SUV.
My body ached and I stretched again, reveling in the feel before snatching my purse and heading inside to snag another unhealthy snack for the last thirty minutes of our drive.
This was the last major highway junction before the backroads toward the tiny towns that dotted the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Sidney and Maverick were in line, both so tense it was almost comical. Rolling my eyes I veered toward the coolers to pick out a green juice or something that would invigorate me instead of bog me down.
“Hey there, sweetheart, where have you been all my life?” The scent of sweat and tobacco was strong enough I had to force my face to stay neutral as I glanced at the old alpha behind me. He licked his thin lips and ran his hand over his overalls as if that would make him more appealing.
“Don’t fucking talk to my sister,” Cameron growled, stepping between us and forcing the alpha to back up. He put his hands out and shook his head.
“Alright, message received,” he grunted out, going to the beer cooler to take out a twelve pack before heading for the register.
“Let’s give him some time,” Cam grunted, putting a hand on my shoulder to guide me over to the tourist section. A smile spread across my face at the display of random keychains, shot glasses, license plate covers, and tees.
A random charm bracelet caught my eye. It was cheaply made, but the mountain, tree, and black bear were adorable. I snagged it off the shelf, promising myself to find a stronger chain the moment I settled in.
“It’s safe,” Cameron said, playing the bodyguard as he glared around me, just daring another man to approach me.
“Come on,” I said, laughing at his intensity. It was way too early for this. He followed me up to the register, but the moment I pulled out my wallet he grunted and shoved me gently out of the way.