Page 15 of Bolted
“Actually,” I say. I am going to head to the restroom,” I start to get up from my chair and Sebastian jumps up to pull it out for me.
“Oh, uh, thank you,” I say.
“My pleasure,” he says and smiles.
I head toward the back where I assume the restrooms are. The volume of the room is escalating as people finish their drinks and loosen up. I see Kyle at one of the tables, surrounded by our group of fellow interns. I give him a small wave, not wanting to draw attention to the fact I’m not seated near them.
As I’m walking down a small corridor to the ladies room I hear someone behind me.
“So are you fucking that guy too or just your boss?” Nate has come up right behind me and grabs my wrist roughly pointing towards the table surrounded by interns.
“What? Kyle?!” I ask, incredulous. “Kyle is my friend, Nate.” Not to mention Kyle and I are both interested in men. I don’t say that because Nate doesn’t deserve more explanation.
“Did you bring me here just to make yourself feel better than me?” Nate growls out, still clutching my wrist.
“Ouch! You’re hurting me,” I whisper through clenched teeth. I don’t need people hearing this exchange. Behind Nate I glimpse Sebastian walking our way. Wonderful, another confrontation is about to ensue next to the bathrooms. I can't go anywhere with my husband anymore apparently.
Within seconds Sebastian is close enough to hear us. I turn away from him so he can’t hear me and whisper to Nate, “I’m not fucking anyone else, but maybe you are.”
He looks taken aback. His blurry eyes sharpen suddenly. Before he can respond, I see Sasha appear beside Sebastian, taking his arm in hers. He doesn’t seem to pay her any mind, he’s quickly walking toward us, a look of fury on his face.
Nate spins around as the two approach us and I see him look Sasha up and down quickly. Then he pales. Surely he’s seen a tipsy blonde in a tight dress before? Why does he have that look?
“Are you okay Riley?” Sebastian asks as he stares directly at Nate.
“I’m fine. Thank you.” I yank my wrist from Nate’s hand and begin to turn toward the restroom. I need a moment to compose myself. Then I hear Sasha.
“Nate?” she practically gasps. “What are you doing here?”
Chapter 19
I’m caught by surprise from Sasha’s sudden outburst. Nate looks like a deer caught in headlights. What the fuck is going on here? A tense few seconds of silence pass and still nothing. Riley is half turned around, like she’s caught in trying to escape, but her curiosity is getting the best of her.
“How do you two know each other?” I ask casually.
I couldn’t honestly give a fuck less how they know each other, but I know Riley wants to know, and so I ask purely for her sake.
Sasha giggles, and reaches out to run her hand across Nate’s arm. “Nate is working for my uncle, we have run into each other a few times here and there.”
I narrow my eyes at the imbecile standing in front of me and his widen in response. I’m vaguely aware of Sasha‘s arm still wrapped around mine while her fingertips still touch Nate’s and I pull away from her and lean casually back against the hallway wall. I’m not jealous. Sasha can fuck whomever she pleases. I just want to be able to see both of their faces while I make my next statement.
“Interesting that you two are on a first name basis,” I respond.
“Well, Mr. Bolt, aren’t you on a first name basis with my wife?” Nate retorts. He thinks he’s being sly trying to turn the conversation onto Riley and I instead.
“Yes, Mr. Green, however, I’ve been working with your wife for months now, and she is my intern. Sasha is just the niece of your boss. That’s a little different. Wouldn’t you say?”
Nate pales. I can see Riley‘s eyes going back-and-forth between us and Sasha. As much as I would like to give this asshole shit right now I know it’s not the time. I’m pretty convinced Sasha will spread her legs for just about anybody. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s exactly what’s been happening between her and Nate, gauging by the way he is reacting right now.
But I’m not going to throw him under the bus just yet. I’ll let this play out a little longer and keep my eye on them. If I have any chance of sweeping Riley out from under this idiot’s claws, I will need some solid proof.
Saving Riley any more embarrassment I gently remind her, “Didn’t you say you needed a moment in the restroom, Riley?”
Suddenly, breaking out of the trance that she’s in, she looks to me and nods, then turns around and flees through the door.
Nate begins to turn on his heel, like he’s fixing to follow her through the door when I interject. “Sasha, why don’t you take Nate back over to the table and pull up another chair for yourself? I wouldn’t want to cut off this wonderful reunion. I’m sure you guys have some catching up to do.”