Page 21 of Bolted
“Yeah. There’s a lot to think about,” I say.
“Maybe you can talk to Sebastian about it,” she smiles as she waves toward her room. “Let’s go shopping in my closet.” I chose some dresses that Kaz swears she never wears, feeling guilty as she lends me gorgeous pieces from her expansive wardrobe. “Thank you so much. For everything,” I say.
“Of course, girl. You know I’ve got you. I just ask one thing in return,” she smirks and clinks my glass with hers.
“Make sure you give me the absolute dirtiest details of the sex with Sebastian.”
Oh my goodness. I’ve been too busy thinking about everything I had to do to get ready for this last minute trip. I haven't thought about Sebastian’s threats regarding sex.
“There'll be no sex!” I throw a cracker at her, “I’m still married!”
“Right…” she says as she picks up the cracker and pops it into her mouth. “We’ll see about that.”
Chapter 24
Fuck I hate flying. Thank God for first class because if I had to sit back in economy, I swear I would throw myself out of the fucking plane. If it weren’t for the sexy intern sitting next to me right now, I might be more miserable. Or maybe just bored.
I think I’ve read the same line in this case paperwork at least ten times and I still can’t comprehend anything I’m reading. Every time I try again, my eyes glide right back to Riley‘s legs. She’s sporting this sexy, black pin skirt and white blouse with some ruffle shit around the front. She’s been running her hand nervously back-and-forth on her thigh while reading something on her phone for the past twenty minutes, while I’ve been sitting here wondering what color panties she might have on underneath her outfit. Maybe black with a little lace on it or maybe it’s one of those nude pairs that don’t show the lines. Or fuck maybe she goes commando and just doesn’t wear any panties at all.
I internally groan, while I attempt to adjust myself. I see her look up at me out of the corner of my eye, but my face is carefully schooled as usual and after a second she’s back to her phone and rubbing her leg nervously again. The attendant comes by for probably the twentieth time.
“Is there anything else you need Mr. Bolt?” She asks me while leaning over and giving me an exaggerated view of her cleavage.
“I’m fine, thank you,” I say curtly.
“Well, OK if there’s anything that you need, I’ll be right back over there behind those curtains. I’m the only one working first class today and there’s not many of you, so you just let me know if there’s anything else I can get you,” she replies as she runs her hand over my shoulder.
I hear Riley scoff next to me and I turn towards her and quirk my eyebrow.
She starts to roll her eyes, and I think she must catch herself because she quickly looks back down at her phone and doesn’t say a word.
“I’ll let you know," I say to the flight attendant who is still standing there and she gives me a slight smile before turning and walking away.
I know what she’s offering and I can’t say I’m not tempted. But then my thoughts turn to Riley and how I’d really like to take her back behind that curtain instead.
“Something to say, Miss Green?”
She turns to look at me, but I keep my face in my paperwork. She starts to say something, and then stops herself, then does it again. ‘Cat got your tongue, little mouse?’ I think to myself. I’m still not looking at her and I can tell she’s flustered.
She ignores me and looks back down at her phone. Thirty seconds go by, and then she blurts “I just can’t believe men fall for stuff like that.”
“Fall for stuff like what?” I ask.
“Like that,” she says dramatically, throwing her hand out and dragging it on my collar. “If there’s anything I can do for you, let me know.” She parrots, while exaggerating the word anything.
I fucking chuckle. I can’t even help myself. I don’t even remember the last time a woman was able to make me laugh.
She looks at me stunned, and then looks down at her fingers still on my collar before yanking them away quickly. “Sorry Sir, that was out of line. I shouldn’t have said anything.”
Leaning in close to her, I whisper just loud enough for her to hear. “I’m not sure exactly what you mean by men falling for stuff like that, but if you’re insinuating what I think you are…The only person that would have been falling would’ve been that lovely attendant to her knees behind that curtain. I assure you the experience would’ve been enjoyable for both parties.”
I graze my thumb across her bottom lip and her eyes widen. “Next time you want to offer anything to me, do it in your own voice, Riley,” I say. Then add “Preferably with less clothing on.”
Shock registers across her face when she realizes what I just said to her, and she twists away, quickly looking out the window. I chuckle again. So fucking feisty, I think to myself. Looks like my scared little mouse has a little wild side to her and I can’t wait until she lets me chase it.
The rest of the plane ride is uneventful, if you don’t count the attendant slipping her phone number into my back pocket as I walk out.