Page 7 of Bolted
“Wish me luck,” I say, and walk toward Sebastian’s office door.
I knock lightly. No one answers for a few seconds then I hear his voice.
“Yeah?” he calls through the door.
“Hi, um Sir. It’s Riley. Riley Green?” I squeak. Jesus Riley you sound like a little girl.
“Come in Riley,” I hear him say. Shit. Okay. Be calm, this is just another professional encounter in my new office. I can handle it.
I walk into his office and look around. There are no pictures lining his shelves, no knick knacks on his desk. Damn, he’s not very easy to read. Normally I’d be able to make some guesses about his personal life by the things he brought to his office. Guess I can’t ask him about his recent travel or whatever else I would expect to see pictures of in an office.
I stop surveying the room and look directly at him. He’s seated at the desk. His suit jacket is slung on the chair behind him and his white button down is crisp, and so tight I can see where muscles are etched through his torso. Then I notice his gaze. He’s not looking at his computer, he’s looking directly at me. Actually, I think he’s undressing me with his eyes. His eyelids look heavy and if I didn’t know better I’d assume I’d caught him in the act of pleasuring himself.
“Um, hi Sir.” I begin. My cheeks are burning. Why is this happening? It’s like there’s a hot flame burning down my throat into my lower belly. Is this what it’s like to be physically attracted to a man again?
“I was reading through some of the upcoming needs for the month,” I continue. “Would it be helpful if I helped depose the witness in the Pierce case?”
Sebastian smiles. Wow. I don’t think I've seen him smile before. He went from somewhat terrifying to even more gorgeous and terrifying. His teeth are white, and perfectly straight. Is this man always perfect?
“Yes Riley. And actually, I have some additional things I’ll need support on this week. I’ll need you to stay late today.”
“Late?” I say. “Uh, of course.” I stammer. I can’t just say no. I’m an intern for Christ’s sake, I think I have to say yes. “Any idea what time we may be done, Sir? I just need to let my husband know.”
His eyebrow rises slightly. “We will just see how it goes. Maybe tell him to figure out his own dinner plans,” he says and turns toward his computer.
Okay. Well, that’s not going to go over well with Nate. But I guess I’ll just have to manage that later.
“Umm ok, I’ll just go back to overviewing files with Kyle,” I reply when he basically dismisses me without another glance.
All I get is a grunt in response as I leave his office, gently closing his door behind me.
Kaz and I walk a couple blocks away from the office to a cute bodega for lunch. She ordered this beautifully displayed charcuterie board and two bottles of mini champagnes.
“Seriously?!” I all but gasp. “Miss Human Resources is going to drink on the job?!” I laugh and shake my head. “No way, I am terrified of Boss Bolt finding out!”
Kaz tilts her head and pops one of the little champagne bottles open. As she fills the flute next to me she says “What the men don’t know won’t hurt ‘em.”
Fuck it, I think. It’s time I got to have a little fun in life. I already know later today will be a shit show. I still haven’t texted Nate to let him know I won’t be home for dinner. I think I’ll just embrace this moment while I can.
“Alright then. Cheers,” I clink my glass with hers. “If I get fired, I’m saying it was your idea.” I say and take a sip of the bubbles. Everything about this week makes me feel like maybe I’m not destined to a life of miserable encounters with my husband. Perhaps I can find more pleasure. And fun.
Chapter 9
Fuck, I have to relieve this stress somehow. What better way to do it then with my easy, personal assistant, Sasha?
As much as I like the push and pull game, that's not what I need right now. I need a quick release and since she’s always ready, she will have to do.
I pull out my phone and shoot over a quick text. Not five minutes later Sasha’s already in my office. Always the overachiever here. “What can I do for you boss?” she purrs.
Internally, I’m cringing, because, if we’re being quite honest, I haven’t been able to stand the sound of her voice since the minute she started working for me. Lucky for me, I won’t have to hear her for very long.
I walk over to my blinds and flip them closed and then I check the door to make sure it’s locked. “You can start by calling me, ‘Mr. Bolt’, Sasha, and you can do it on your knees,” I respond to her while unbuckling my belt.
Sasha immediately drops to her knees and eyes the bulge in my pants eagerly. I barely make it two steps, and her hand is already in my pants, pulling my cock out.
“How would you like it, Mr. Bolt?” she asks while swirling her tongue around the tip. I know she’s purposely trying to tease me, but I’m not in the mood so I grip the back of her ponytail, pull her head back and shove my cock down her throat.