Page 106 of Whistle
“Up until ten minutes ago, we had the whole battle royale thing going on.”
And look how easily I was willing to let it go. Pathetic.
“I do want to be friends again. I wanted it before we even had that talk. I just wasn’t sure it was possible. But now I know it is.”
I scoffed, turned my face, and gazed out across the street.
“But it’s gonna take some time, you know? I can’t just forget everything.”
Why does everyone need time?
“And you can’t either.”
Okay, fair.
“I’m not writing you off.” He tried again, obviously frustrated with my lack of reply. “I want you here at Westbrook.”
“Just not as your roommate,” I echoed.
“No.” He confirmed. “Not as my roommate.”
I turned, and he grabbed my arm. “Take the key, Bodhi. Take the room. It’s a peace offering. A fresh start.”
I glanced at the card he held out, then slowly took it and slid it into my jeans.
“Come on,” he said, gesturing. “I’ll drive you back to campus.”
I trailed along after him because I didn’t know the way back on my own. Instead of going straight to Westbrook, he drove us to Emmett’s townhouse.
“Come on. Let’s get your stuff,” he said, pushing open the driver’s door and palming his keys.
“You have a key to Coach’s house?” I asked as something hot and ugly twisted inside me.
“I spend half my time here.”
The inside of the house smelled like Emmett and brought back memories of last night and this morning.
All my bags were there near the bottom of the steps, and Rush grabbed two and headed back out to the car. I lingered a moment, slowly picking up the last one, gazing around with a hollow feeling in my center.
I couldn’t stay here. This wasn’t my home. Even if Emmett said he wanted me, he wasn’t mine. Because he also needed time.
Rush came back inside, palming the door handle. “Let’s go. I have class.”
I went, fighting the urge to turn and look over my shoulder as he locked up the house and got into the Corvette.
Rush played this like it was some sort of peace offering and a fresh start.
But to me, even after I’d bared my deepest secrets, I was being exiled, and there was no amount of “time” that would ever make me belong.
Elite Group Chat
Kruger: Coach’s attitude is worse than a raging case of swimmer’s ear.
Wes: Seriously. There’s grumpy, and then there’s Coach.
Max: He giving you a hard time, Nemo?