Page 28 of Pucking Vamps
I choke on my drink as the devil twink vampire gives me a flirty wink. It brings flashbacks of last night and the way he cornered me and was about to eat me alive if Leander hadn’t stepped in. I’m all for being eaten, don’t get me wrong, but in the good way that involves a tongue in my ass. And preferably by Leander. I inhale sharply, my hole clenching. Fuck, I bet it would feel so good to get rimmed by him. Or to do it to him. I’m positive he’d taste fucking amazing.
Thomas, the scary vampire, is no longer staring my way when I shift my attention back to him. Thank god. His eyes are glowing a bit and a sliver of a sultry smile is curving his sculpted lips. His expression reminds me of a kid that’s just found a new toy he’s not allowed to have.
I decide that can’t be a good thing. He’s too much. But he’s also not my problem, since, clearly, I’m no longer all that interesting to him. He’s now zeroed in on… Park’s table, observing it like a hawk stalking its prey.
Huh? Is the devil vamp into beefcakes? Or… I bite on my bottom lip, pushing down a snort. Don’t tell me it’s Park. Holy shit. That would be hilarious and a total nightmare for the rich boy.
Mood improved as I entertain such scenarios, I get on with my day. Montgomery picks me up, but to my utter disappointment, I don’t get to see Leander that night.
Or the next. Or the one after. Or the one after that…
He’s gone on some business trip it turns out, without bothering to even tell me he won’t be around.
Chapter 11
Leander being away without a word about it? That’s fine. Totally cool. No problem at all.
I tell myself that every day he’s not here. Every night that I go back to his massive, beautiful mansion and slip under the soft bedcovers. Alone.
I shouldn’t care, but I feel disappointed. Blindsided? He could’ve called, given me the heads up. That’s what people normally do, right? Even if they are fake dating and don’t owe their fake boyfriends an explanation. It’s just basic courtesy.
Practice keeps me busy for the most part and I am grateful for it. But it’s still unnerving. I don’t know why I am so annoyed when, realistically, I have no reason to be.
“Hey, dude, you good?” Nick skates up to me, flushed and panting. We’ve just finished the first period. “You were all over the place.”
I aim a scowl his way, not feeling up to the task of pretending I am fine. I’m pretty sure that after my less-than-ideal time on the ice, he already knows something is bugging me. “Lack of sleep.”
My friend’s eyebrow shoots up to his hairline as we claim the benches and snatch a bottle of water each. “It seemed like a bit more than just bad sleep.”
It is, but I also don’t really want to talk about it. “I’ll tell you later. Maybe over drinks? You think the guys would be up?”
Now that I’ve suggested it, I really like that idea. Alcohol is exactly what I need so I stop worrying over nothing.
He shrugs. “Probably. I’ll ask after practice.”
It turns out my sulky mood just won’t let me drink even if we hit the club every day after evening practice. I find the company lacking, the cocktails bland, and the atmosphere not as exciting as it was on the day I met Leander, even though this is the same bar. A cute guy approaches me when Nick fucks off to dance, but his flirtatious words go completely over my head.
I wonder what Leander is doing. He still hasn’t called or texted, and I am too stubborn to cave in and do it myself like some needy, insecure boyfriend.
“Whoa, dude, you really let that cutie go? I know you have your hot teacher, but damn.” Nick slides back on the stool next to mine, shaking his head. “What’s gotten into you? And do you know anything about Guitar getting canceled today?”
“Yes, that’s the problem… Leander is away and said nothing about it to me.”
“Ooh. You aren’t getting laid, I get it. I’d be pissed off, too.”
I smack Nick on the arm. “Shut it.”
“It’s true though, isn’t it? Trust me, I know. Which is why you should be having fun tonight, not drowning your sorrows in cheap alcohol.”
I know he means well, but I’m really not feeling it, so after another five minutes of trying and failing to listen to him, I go home. The previous days, I managed to stay out until the guys got wasted, but today I’m just not in the mood.
The empty late-afternoon gloom of the mansion welcomes me, eerie and irritating. Still no word of Leander. I’ve got no one to talk to, to rant about my day. He’s not here to fuck the annoyance out of my system either, and the dildo I got hasn’t left its box after I tried it on the second night.
That was almost a week ago.
It’s just not good enough, just like how complaining to Nick about Park isn’t quite the same as ranting to my sexy vamp Daddy. The part where Nick can’t comfort me with mind-blowing sex doesn’t help, obviously.