Page 57 of Pucking Vamps
Coach is beyond himself when the beep marks the end of the game, the crowd chanting ‘Tampa Scarecrows’ like we are their gods. It feels good, my heart pumping and my body buzzing like it’s about to burst.
“I knew you had it in you!” Nick yells, hugging me with his big arms. The rest of the guys join in, turning it into a full-team embrace.
We rush to the locker rooms, red-faced and panting. A quick shower and I’m changing, vibrating with the need to find Leander while the room rings with conversation and cheering. I’m sure he is so proud of me. That he’s buzzing as much as I am. This was probably my best game ever.
A throat clears, halting the commotion. We all turn toward the door, where Coach is leaning his shoulder against the frame.
“Johnson,” he says in a stern and authoritative voice, his face serious.
My stomach sloshes, swimming with nerves. “Yes?”
“There’s someone who wants to talk to you. He’s in the conference room upstairs.” His grin breaks through. “Don’t make him wait. I hear the Crows are not the most patient folks.”
Holy fucking shit. “No fucking way.”
“Yes fucking way, Johnson. Now get your pants on and meet me at the stairs.”
I salute Coach, shooting up from the bench. “Sir, yes, sir!”
Five minutes later, I’m sitting across a guy in a suit, his deep voice droning on about how impressed he was with my plays and that he would like to meet next week so we can discuss the Crows’ interest in acquiring me.
“It was a pleasure to meet you, Hayden. I look forward to next week,” he says, shaking my hand with a smile.
“You did it, Johnson,” Coach cheers, bumping me on the arm with his fist. “I’m proud of you. You did good these past two months, really. I know it wasn’t easy for you, but I’m glad you and Park made it work.”
I snort internally. It was mostly me and mostly due to Leander, but I’ll let Coach believe what he wants. It doesn’t matter to me anyway. Very soon, I won’t even have to see Park’s annoying mug anymore. I’ll miss Nick, though. I know he’ll get scouted in no time, but not having him on my team will be a little weird.
“Oh.” Coach pauses at the door, turning to face me. “Leander’s waiting for you in the parking lot. Told me to send you straight there after we’re done. You aren’t joining us for the post-game celebrations, by the sounds of things.”
The hair on my neck stands, a thrill rushing down my spine to my cock. “I could try… But no promises.”
He laughs. “It’s a weeknight anyway. I doubt they’ll do more than a round. The real party’s on Friday. You better not miss that. Oh, and one other thing.” He gives me a conceited look, lips quirking on one side.
“What is it, Coach? The suspense is killing me. Just spit it out.”
“The Crows’ weren’t interested just in you, so I’m pretty sure you won’t be the only one transferring over.”
My eyes go wide. No way. Two of us? “Who? Who is it?”
He taps his fingers against the door, humming in thought. “Your bestie, Nick. But pretend you don’t know when he tells you or he’ll kill me.”
Coach leaves me with that, my blood pounding in my ears. No way. Nick is coming with me/ We are both going to play for the Crows? This is the best! I can’t wait to tell Leander.
Speaking of my vampire, he’s outside as Coach said, waiting with his hip propped again the car’s hood. His gorgeous green eyes devour me as I approach, glowing softly when I pull him in for a quick kiss.
“Congratulations,” he says, stroking my cheek. “I’m proud of you, Hayden. You were so beautiful on the ice. I am sure the Crows will be thrilled to have you.”
I snake a hand down his waist, squeezing one ass cheek. “Ready to give me my reward? Now that I’ve proven myself.”
“I would like nothing more than it. But only if you are sure.”
I love this man. He’s never once pressured me about turning since our talk about it, instead helping me get where I am today. He got me extra time on the ice and even took charge of my diet and exercising routine, ensuring I would be at my best.
“Oh, I am more than sure, vampy.” I step in, rubbing against his leg.
His fangs drop, the glow in his gem-like depths intensifying. “Then let me take you home. I’ll turn you and then I will breed you until you are so full of me you pass out. Everyone is dying to watch.”
I swallow, my cock jumping in my pants. “You have the cameras set up?”