Page 54 of My Demon Mate

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Page 54 of My Demon Mate

“My father wants me to help him with a dispute in Lucifer’s realm. I am his eldest son, so he calls on me more than Phoenix and the others. It will not take long—a day at the most. I would bring you with me, but Lucifer only allows those he invites into his realm. You are an unknown to him, so he will not extend the invitation. I can take you back to my treehouse, and you can wait for me. ”

The prospect is tempting. I love Raven’s treehouse. It’s so beautifully made, the most comfortable abode I’ve ever visited. But I don’t know if I feel comfortable staying there alone. I know nothing and no one will hurt me there, but I’m not ready.

“No, I’ll go back to Earth. I’ll call Danae and have lunch. She’s not here anymore, right?”

“No, she is back on Earth. She only comes down once or twice every few weeks.”

I nod. At least I won’t be pacing back and forth, waiting for Raven to come back to me. I can keep busy until he returns. “We can still talk right? Through our connection?”

Raven looks sad, his black eyes full of melancholy. “Not on Lucifer’s plane. No mental links can breach his walls.”

“It’s okay,” I say with more nonchalance than I feel. “It’ll only be a few hours.”

“Only a few hours. I promise I will come for you as soon as I can,” he says. I nod, hoping I’m putting on a brave face, but I’m not sure I succeed. He sighs, squeezing my hands. “Close your eyes. I will send you back to the townhouse.”

Standing on my tiptoes, I give Raven a long kiss. Raven groans in my mouth, framing my face with his large, hot hands.

“Hurry back,” I mutter against his mouth. He nods, pecking me once more on the lips, then steps back.

“Open your eyes only when you feel solid ground under your feet and the air stops moving around you.”

I close my eyes tight. I only have to wait a few seconds before I feel the wind blowing and whipping around me. It’s a lonely trip, not having Raven’s hands in mine, but I push down my unease. When I feel the ground under my feet and the wind isn’t blowing my clothes around, I open my eyes and see I’m back in the townhouse, without Raven.

I sigh, sitting heavily on the bed. Fuck, how did I get in so deep with a man in a matter of weeks? No, not a man. A demon. How did I get in so deep with a demon so quickly?

That’s an easy answer. He treats me like I matter. Like I’m someone precious to him. No one has ever made me feel that way. It’s a heady feeling, being wanted by someone like Raven. Being desired by a demon, someone so strong and so powerful.

After I change into a t-shirt and jeans, I scoop up my phone and text Danae so we can meet up for lunch. Being out with her is better than moping around, wishing I had stayed in Xendail.

She jumps at the chance, saying she’ll come pick me up. I tell her it’s fine, I’ll catch an Uber, Raven having put his card information into the app on my phone. We agree to meet up at the sandwich place we met before in twenty minutes.

When the Uber pulls up at the sandwich shop, I see Danae has already arrived. She looks nervous, wringing her hands on the table in front of her. I give her a soft smile, hoping that puts her at ease.

“Hey,” I say cheerfully, sliding into the chair in front of her.

“Hey, Ev.” I smile at her use of the nickname. “I really thought you’d be mad at me for not telling you the truth.”

I shrug, glad she jumped right into it. “Nah. I know you weren’t doing anything to hurt me. The opposite, really. You wanted me to have my Raven.”

She grins, nodding earnestly. “Yes, I did. He’s my favorite cousin. He was a mess before you summoned him. Every day, he got more and more angry that he couldn’t help you. With my mate, I was able to give him suggestions. I led him to a book on the occult. The one I said I read?” I nod, leaning forward and giving her my undivided attention. “So it was easy for me. Raven didn’t think that would work with you since you were already so wary of him. So I came. My mate really is a doctor, so after I found where you lived, he was able to get a job at the hospital the next town over and we moved.”

“So you didn’t get abused by your ex?”

She shakes her head, but her eyes are stormy. “Not me. My mate’s sister. Her ex-wife was a real bitch. Mental and physical abuse. I got rid of her as soon as he summoned me.” She says that last part in a low rumble and I shiver. Demons really are capable of great evil. I can only imagine what Danae did to her mate’s sister-in-law.

“I’m sorry she went through that.” No form of abuse is okay. I’m glad Danae helped her escape that hell. “How is your mate’s sister now?”

A lovely smile blooms over her face, lighting her up in a way I’m sure nothing else can. “She’s doing great. Really thriving. She’s a strong human. I love her very much.”

I grin, my hand going to my chest. Leaning forward, I whisper, “You demons really are a loving bunch.” I wink at her, making her laugh.

“Yeah, well, that bullshit you humans learn isn’t the truth about us. You’ve seen that with Raven, haven’t you?”

“I have. He’s been so good to me. Better than I thought I deserved.”

Danae grabs my hand, gripping tight. “You deserve exactly how he’s treating you. You do. The fucks in this town have known you your entire life, but they don’t know you. I do. Raven does. We know you’re sweet with a kind heart. You deserve to be treated well, Ev.”

Tears fill my eyes, and I sniffle and smile, thanking her. “I used to wish people here could see that, but now, I don’t. I have the people in my life that I want in it. You and Raven are all I need.”

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