Page 15 of When She's Handy
Brux gives me a sincere look. “I’d like for us to become friends.”
I want to laugh because it’s the silliest, most obvious of solutions and one that didn’t occur to me in the slightest. “I’d like that, too. I’d love to get to know more about you. But…aren’t you leaving?” I gesture in the direction of the space port. “Your work is done, right?”
“For the majority of the crew, yes. Typically after a large job there’s at least one crew member that stays on to ensure everything is running smoothly. No issues with the elevators, or wiring, or any bad circuits. It’s mostly just maintenance. I volunteered for this job, and since I’m the crew lead, I get to pick who stays.”
I don’t know if I should smile or not. He says it all so seriously, his expression so severe.
“So you’re staying? So we can become friends?”
He nods.
“Well, can I invite you to hang out, then?”
“Hang…out?” He blinks at me.
Oh. “Spend time together. Have dinner maybe. I can show you my scrap projects I’m working on. We can make noodles.”
Brux hesitates again. “What kind of noodles?”
“I honestly have no idea. I can’t read the writing on the container. I just rip it open and hope it doesn’t taste like garbage.”
“Not chski,” he says, and then adds in a low voice. “Moden are allergic. My father’s father was part moden and it affects me.”
“How about you pick the noodles, then?” Happiness bubbles in my chest. “Maybe I’ll be in charge of entertainment.”
Brux smiles, flashing a hint of fang at me. “I would like that very much. Should I help you with your scrap first?”
There’s a warmth inside me that makes even the bright Risda sunlight feel dim in comparison. “I can manage on my own, but I wouldn’t turn down help from a friend.”
I follow Melody down the stairs to the workroom she has in the basement of the boarding house, and I sweat nervously the entire time. I’m flustered at the thought of being alone with her, of us becoming friends. She didn’t laugh at my suggestion, but took it seriously. Like it was something she hadn’t considered, either. I wish I could be more comfortable around her, but every time I relax, I start to think about how she’d kissed me and her smooth human tongue slid against mine.
Perhaps my thoughts aren’t as chaste as I’ve been claiming.
“Just set that stuff down anywhere,” Melody says as she gets to the basement and turns on the lights with a tap on the wall panel. “I’ll go through it this afternoon and see what gets immediate use. Please tell your crew I appreciate the donation.”
I grunt, because the crew had said some crude things about what Melody could do in exchange for the scrap, and I’d nearly lost my temper.
“Your poor tunic,” she says, coming over to me. “There’s a toast-sized jam stain right on your front. Do you want to take that off so I can clean it for you?”
Heat creeps up my ears. “It’s just a stain.”
“I know, but it’s my fault.” She makes a “hand it over” gesture with her fingers. “This isn’t me seducing you, by the way. This is me feeling bad that I got my breakfast all over your front and wanting to help.”
I hesitate again. “It’s one piece. A singular uniform.”
She makes the gesture with her hand again. “I’ve seen you naked already.”
When I hesitate once more, she looks around the workroom and then grabs a length of fabric. “Towel,” she says. “You can put this around your hips.”
Then she waits, staring at me expectantly.
I take my uniform off, my ears pricking with the loud sound of the fastener activating. It falls open, revealing my chest, and then I strip it off, hoping Melody doesn’t notice how nervous I am. I have to pull off my boots, and then I’m standing there naked in her workroom, my tail violently flicking as I try to tuck the towel around my waist. It’s too small, and barely covers my cock.