Page 11 of The First Seal
So we have to lure this bastard down to the basement. That's simple enough. I think. Blaze, Ember and I start looking for Dmitri Orlov. He is dancing with Vee, and I end up getting a brilliant idea. Well, hopefully, Ember is okay with me using her as bait.
I stop walking, causing Ember to walk right into my back. Turning around and looking into those stunning light green eyes.
“Alright Little Siren, I have an idea. But I need to use you as bait. Blaze and I won't let him touch you. This is just so we can get him downstairs and you can stay up here with Vee and dance. Okay, love?”
She looks at me and then at Blaze. “You can use me as bait, but I can’t let the four of you, who don’t really know me take care of something that I need to take care of. This is my burden. It’s not for you guys to handle. I am not that little girl anymore, that you four had to protect. I am going downstairs too.”
“You actually remember us?” I start bouncing on the balls of my feet. Trying to contain my excitement so as to not freak her out, is so overwhelming.
“Yes, love, we have all met before over the years. We used to work for your father as his hitmen. We would do most of the killings for him until you started taking over, and then we backed out of the Bratva. But we will always protect the Chertanov Family the best we can.” Blaze says with a smile.
“Oooh, so I was right. So, what's the plan, Daddy Onyx?” She says with a sultry look in her eyes.
“Oh, Little Siren, don't tease me. We got business to take care of. But afterwards we can pick up where we left off on the dance floor and play if you think you are up for it.” I lean in closer to her and whisper in her ear, kissing the spot right behind her ear. I tell them both my plan and then we head to the dance floor.
Once, we are back beside Vee and Dmitri. I can tell Vee is getting uncomfortable by the look she keeps giving him. Getting closer to Vee I whisper in her ear.
“Act like you're going to get another drink and go find a new dance partner. We will take care of this creep.” I pull back, and I notice the hatred on Dmitri’s face, but I see the thankful look on Vee’s face and smile back.
As Vee quickly makes a bee-line to the bar. Dmitri turns his attention to my Little Siren who is grinding her perfect body all over my brother. The way her body moves to the beat of the music can lure any man to his death. Which is what is about to happen to him, at the hands of the Four Horsemen and their Goddess of Death.
He is so entranced by the way she moves on Blaze and I.
“Little Siren, let’s give him a private show shall we?” I say, running my hand up and down her body.
“Yes, Daddy Onyx.” She moans when I pinch her nipples through her dress. I had no clue they were pierced. Oh, what fun it would be to attach chains to them and tug on it. Just to hear her moan or even hear her whimper.
“Come on, it's time for a private show.” She says with a wink to Dmitri. As she grabs his hand, he flashes her an evil, menacing grin. Seeing that makes my rage rise higher, and I see it on Blaze's face as well. I hear two different growls. One came from Blaze, and the other came from me. I didn’t even realize I did it. We need to get this done with no one touching what belongs to us. I guess we are on the same page about her.
Blaze leads us down the hall to head downstairs; Ember is beside him, walking and hanging off of his arm. Dmitri is behind her watching her ass as she walks. I’m beside him, making sure he doesn’t touch her again.
“Where are we going for this private show? It keeps getting darker the more we walk.” Dmitri asks, sounding concerned yet very impatient.
“The basement has our soundproof rooms that we reserve for VIP’s.” I say with agitation lacing my tone.
Once we reach the end of the hallway Blaze opens the door and we all walk in. It's dark but there are a few little lights lining the room and the blood red couch that's in the middle and the stripper pole that's in front of the couch.
Dmitri walks over to sit on the couch. While Ember starts to walk towards the pole. But she stops half way when we hear Ezra speak.
“So, Dmitri, I hear you like to rape women and girls. Now, why would you think that someone deserves that kind of treatment? Didn’t your mama teach you how to treat women?”
Dmitri jumps off the couch and spins around “Who the fuck is there?”
“So, you don’t deny it?” Aspen says as he and Ezra step out of the shadows towards Dmitri.
He spins towards Ember and starts stalking towards her with his finger out. “So you decided to lie to them like you did our fathers. You fucking slut. You just wanted someone to pity you so you could actually get fucked. Wow, you are a dirty fucking, whore aren’t you?”
She is frozen with fear, but before he can reach her, I slam my hand around his throat and squeeze.
“Now, little boy, what we are not going to do is point the blame on the victim. You're going to sit in this chair and you're going to take your punishment for hurting my precious Little Siren.” I slam him in the chair Blaze brought over. I’m still squeezing his throat, Blaze is holding his legs still as Aspen and Ezra tie him down to the chair.
Once his binds are secure, I let go of his throat and pull back my fist, aim, and punch him right in the nose. I know I broke it. I heard it crunch as my fist made contact with his nose.
“Okay, my Little Fury, let Onyx and I show you the weapons we have while Aspen and Ezra get a few shots in.” Blaze says, leading the way to the weapons off to the right.
“What do you like to use, Little Siren? We have anything you could ever need. We can suspend him from the ceiling or keep him in the chair. What do you want to do?” I ask her.
With a sinister grin, she says, “Well, first off, I want him suspended from the ceiling facing the pole, but make sure he can’t turn his head away. So, maybe add a rope going from one arm to his head to the other arm. I prefer to use knives. But, after he is suspended, I want all four of you to sit on the couch and wait for further instructions.”