Page 19 of The First Seal
I have been going through all of the footage for the past three hours and I can't find anything. I never have this much trouble with hacking. Standing up from the loveseat and stretching, my whole spine cracks a moan escapes my lips.
I haven't heard a peep from my Little Siren since she went upstairs. I should go check on her. At the top of the stairs I have to think about whether I should go left or right to get to her room. If I am remembering correctly, I go to the left. Venturing down the left hallway, I hear the faint sound of music. Following the music I end up at the end of the hall at the last door. It is slightly cracked open so I push it to get a better view of what is inside the room.
Through the larger crack, I can see Ember standing in the middle of the room, her back to the door, throwing knives at a dart board. I take a closer look and realize she is throwing the knives at a picture of Orlov and screaming as she does it.
"You will never be the Mafia Don." She yells as the knife hits Orlov on the forehead.
"You fucking cock sucker." She yells again, this time hitting his chest. Before she can say anything else, I pull my emerald green pocket knife out and send it whizzing through the air. Right past her head, causing her to jump. As she spins around the knife lands right between his eyes.
"Bulls-eye." I scream in a high pitch voice and jump up and down, all giddy like a kid in a candy store.
She looks at me with a smirk that vanishes way too fast, and then angrily, she asks. "Are you fucking crazy?”
"Well-llll, to answer that very rude question of yours." I smirk my voice higher than normal. This only happens when my psycho comes out to play. She rolls her eyes as I saunter over to her.
"No, I'm not crazy." Pushing a strand of her curly chocolate brown hair behind her ear.
Leaning into her and whispering in her ear. "But, my astonishing Little Siren, I am fucking psychotic, and being psychotic means I like kinky sex."
A shiver runs through her body as she takes a shuttered breath and proceeds to ask. "What is your favorite kink then?"
Feeling bolder than ever, I say, "It would be better to show you than to tell you." Shock floods her face. Flush starts to fill her cheeks, turning them red. "Go get my knife out of that dartboard." I demand as I start taking off my shirt. In one swift movement, it's off and on her bedroom floor. She is still standing beside me, staring at me with confusion.
"Get my fucking knife." I demand once again. She blinks a couple of times then walks over to the dartboard, and pulls my knife out from between Orlov's eyes. She turns back around with confusion on her face, walking back to me and the knife in hand.
"That's a good girl. Now.." I start to rub my thumb over her mouth, pulling her plump bottom lip down.
"Little Siren, I want you to make me bleed." I state and let her bottom lip go. She just looks at me like a deer caught in headlights.
"Y-y-you want me to do what?" She stutters, and it's so cute to see her flustered. So I elaborate on what I want her to do.
"I want to bleed for you. Cut me open anywhere until your heart's content."
Chapter thirteen
Ihave never let anyone do this to me. I never found anyone I could trust or whom I would have strong feelings for. So this is new to me. I have always known I had a blood kink and knife kink. Just never had someone do it to me. I would always go out and find someone to fuck after a kill, just like her.
Taking a deep breath, I grab her hand that has my knife in it—pushing the tip against my chest so that blood starts to leak down my chest.
I let out a breathy moan "F-fuck."
"Fuck that's hot." She replies with a slight hint of shock.
I step back, and she looks at me with confusion all over her face. I walk over to her bed and lay on my stomach. Looking over my shoulder, I say, "You can slice up my back all you want."
"Why not your chest and stomach?" She asks curiously.
"Because I can't have my chest scarred when I get my new tattoo, and my abs are too pretty to get cut up." I taunt as I roll onto my side and stroke my hand down my abs.
"Come on, Little Siren, I know you need this after everything you found out today."
I lay back on my stomach, and she sits up on my ass. The next thing I know, the cool metal of the blade is touching my skin, sending a chill down my spine. As she is tracing my back tattoos with the tip of the knife, I can feel her pushing the blade harder into my skin.
"Harder. Make me fucking bleed for you, slice me open, do what you want to me, dominate me, and be my Mommy Dommy." I beg as the knife digs deeper into my skin. The cold steel stung as she pressed firmly.
"Be a good boy for me and I'll make you do more than bleed for me." Her words laced with devilish intent.