Page 33 of The First Seal
"No, I don't because no one is unaccounted for and no one has gone up to the mortal realm unnoticed. Everyone who has been going up there has been logged in and done what they needed to, then came right back." Ozzy replies.
"Well, he has to be someone because you have seen Orlov down here, and humans can’t survive down here for more than forty-eight hours." I say impatiently.
"I will keep digging." Ozzy states as he looks at the clock on the wall.
"I have some other business I need to attend to. But, I will let you know if I find anything out on Orlov." He says.
"Thanks again Ozzy, for helping us out and let us know if you hear anything about Iris's kidnapping." Ezra says, shaking Ozzy's hand.
"I doubt I will hear anything about it down here. But I will if I do." He goes to shake my hand, and I am tempted to refuse it because this was just a waste of time coming down here. I swear Ezra only comes down here because he misses it all.
But, I shake his hand and say "Thanks again, Ozzy.”
With that Ezra, and I head out back of the club to open a portal to the mortal realm. Our portal takes us right on to the front lawn of Ryker's mansion. Well, I guess it is actually Ember's mansion now.
The sound of crashing ceramic and fists banging on walls makes both of us look at each other. A loud bang makes us both jump slightly as we hear the muffled shouts of our brothers.
Ezra raises a brow at me, and I shake my head already over whatever the hell was going on inside.
"What the fu-." I start to say but get cut off by Ezra.
"Sounds like Onyx is in one of his moods again. Fucking hell. Let's go see what has him so pissed off." Ezra says as he rolls his eyes. I let out a deep sigh as I opened the door and walked through the threshold.
All we hear when we enter the house is a low eerie growl, glass shattering, and Blaze yelling, "What the fuck, man. I didn't do shit to you."
Ezra and I just stare at each other, walking into the kitchen. There is broken glass everywhere; cups, plates, and bowls all over the floor. Onyx's horns are out, his wings are fully out, knocking shit over, and his eyes are all pale green. All he is missing is his full height and his full-length horns.
Ezra walks over to Onyx and punches him in the face. His face recoiled from the blow. He snapped his head back to glare at Ezra, baring his elongated teeth with a deep growl.
"Quit throwing this temper tantrum before you shift fully, you overgrown bat!"
Onyx glares at him, huffing and puffing. If looks could kill. As he calmed his breathing, Onyx flexed his fingers, fisting them over and over. Slowly, his wings shrink into his back, closing in on themselves, and his horns retract into his skull. He looked around the room with a look that warned us to tread lightly. But he does finally calm down and is back in his mortal form. "Ember is still out with that Niko guy. She isn't answering my messages or phone calls. Her phone must be off because I can't track it anymore, and the calls go to voicemail. The background check I ran on him came back clean. He is fucking perfect, and he's going to steal her from me. FUCK." He says as he punches the wall putting a hole in it.
"Dude, you aren't dating her. She can be with whoever she wants." I state. I'm not wrong and I don't care if she sticks around. I can't stand her. Everyone is so infatuated with her but I think she is annoying and an entitled brat. Yeah, I get the sex appeal but she is a mortal and we can't be with her.
"NO! She. Is. Mine." Onyx states. I just stay quiet, I'm not going to start a fight with him. It's not worth it. This is why getting involved with mortals is a bad idea. Demons go crazy over the one they choose to mate with and protect them at all cost.
Blaze finally chimes in, as he grabs the keys to the SUV, he says. "Okay, Okay, I know I don't want her with anyone else. So, let's go and see what's going on. What bar are they at?"
"The Diamond, it's right down the street from the baseball field." Onyx states
We all load up in our black GMC Acadia to go get Ember. I doubt she is in any danger or even involved with Niko. I am sitting here staring at what Onyx found on this Niko guy Ember is out with.
Wow, three DUI’s that isn’t nothing compared to what we do for a living or what my Little Storm’s family has done for generations. So, it’s not like he is a bad guy. He has just had a really hard childhood like all of us did.
Our mother was always chasing after a guy who didn’t want her and could never have. She was adamant that the fates made him for her and was her mate. That guy was Lucifer, aka the Devil. He was married to another female demon and had tons of spawns with her. They ended up going missing, I guess that's what you could call it. But I think he left Hell because of my mother. I know we told Ember a lie about how we were brought up, but we couldn’t tell her what we really are. She would freak out.
I would bet a shit ton of money on the fact that Onyx is overthinking again and acting like a love-drunk fool for no reason.
Chapter twenty-two
We arrived at the sports bar "The Diamond". I am not a sports fan because they all think they are better than everyone and that they are superior beings. Well, news flash, Demons and the Devil are the superior beings.
We all pile out of the SUV that is parked right out in front of the bar and just stand there on the sidewalk, looking at the dilapidated building.
"What the fuck. It's a fucking dive bar." Blaze huffs out with disgust all over his face. Matching the others with their facial expressions.