Page 108 of Royal Flush
A knife.
A gun.
A machete.
I wasn’t going to allow her injuries and the danger to our baby to go unavenged. As he walked from the room, I took another deep breath. Being alone with Jasmine was both necessary and horrifying.
My heart was heavy, which affected my stilted movements, but I returned to her bedside, gently pulling her hand into mine. There was so much I wanted to say, so many emotions running through me that just being able to say them was more difficult than almost anything I’d done. Maybe I was a cold-hearted man.
Some would call me a king.
Yes, I had all the money in the world, but Valerio had been right after all. Without someone to share in the spoils of war and happiness, wealth meant nothing. I brushed hair from her face, loathing how pale she was. As I brought her cold fingers to my mouth, a single tear rushed past my lashes.
I wasn’t a man prone to crying. That wasn’t in my makeup, but the sadness was overbearing. “I’ll hunt them down, baby. Whoever did this will pay dearly.” Maybe it wasn’t the best thing to say with her unconscious state but my need for revenge was the main thing keeping me going.
She was breathing on her own, which was an improvement from when she’d been brought in, but the doctor remained skeptical. I hated that the professionals were so close-mouthed. I knew why. They didn’t want to get my hopes up.
“I love you, little koala. I adore our child and I promise to do everything in my power to protect and make you happy.” I only hoped the promise wasn’t being made in vain.
It had been far too long since there’d been any update. I couldn’t stand the silence. I would learn the latest.
Or I’d beat it out of the doctor.
“I’ll be right back. Just rest.” I hoped she could hear me and was able to take comfort in my voice. Who knew with these things.
As I walked out, I wasn’t certain my legs were working properly. I had a list in mind of anyone potentially responsible but at this point, the few I’d been able to come up with didn’t make much sense. What I was certain of was that the hit and run had been based on the ugly situation with her father. But who would follow her here? I had to consider the fact she could have been living in the States, trying to hide. I couldn’t blame her.
I moved to the nurse’s station and almost immediately, both women behind the desk appeared frightened. They’d been party to my wrath when Jasmine had been brought in. “Where is Dr. Myers? I demand to talk to him. Not any of his flunkies. And if he left, you better make sure he gets his ass back here.”
One of the nurses picked up the phone, the other offering a sweet smile. “Mr. Royal. Try and remain calm. We’ll find him.”
Yeah, they’d better.
I walked away, slamming my fist against the corridor wall. Yep. The anger was returning. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Valerio was smiling. I watched as he paced the floor, finally ending the call. As he headed toward me, he had a strange look on his face.
“Tell me you found something,” I told him.
He took my arm, trying to pull me away. I jerked it until he gave me a hard look. “What I’m about to tell you doesn’t give you a license to go off the deep end.”
“Oh, please. At this point, I need to do something or I’ll go crazy.”
“Maybe so but you’re not doing a goddamn thing without Gage and me backing you. Got it?”
“Just fucking tell me.”
He glanced over his shoulder as if anyone cared what we were talking about. “Your first instinct might be right.”
I narrowed my eyes, trying to keep my patience. “What the fuck are you talking about?” Hell, I’d spouted off so many names of possible enemies I couldn’t remember half. That’s what you do when you’re in a state of rage.
“Guess who headed out of their lair?” I’ll be damned if the man wasn’t grinning.
However, I was about to rip the smile off his face.
“Fucking get on with it.”
“Santini Demage.”