Page 112 of Royal Flush
No one would ever be allowed to fuck with my family again.
So help me God.
It would seem my brother Gage had a little more darkness under his youthful persona than either Valerio or I had noticed. Sure, we’d known he had sadistic needs, but he also had friends in low places.
That had allowed him to call in favors and track down the SUV responsible for hitting Jasmine. At least that’s what was suspected, the huge vehicle parked right out in the open in the parking lot of the boutique hotel I’d learned Santini and his men had all but taken over.
The actual events were being held in Los Angeles, the whole idea of mafia families converging together amusing as fuck. I guess to each their own. I certainly knew crime syndicates had become more sophisticated over the last decade or so. Not that I was an expert, but I’d done my best to keep up with anyone who could possibly interfere with any of our businesses.
It was almost funny that at least one mafia Don was a member of our kink clubs. He hadn’t bothered anyone or used excessive violence so his professional life didn’t bother me.
Weren’t we all corrupt men in one way or another?
However, Santini was a piece of shit as far as I was concerned.
I’d surmised the man had made good on some kind of macho threat with Jasmine. If he couldn’t have her, no one could. Either that or he was just settling an old score, furious that he’d fallen on hard times after murdering so many prominent people who had the potential of causing him trouble.
Rumor on the street was that he wanted to expand his territory into the US. Maybe that’s why he was there with other mafia leaders. Not that I gave a shit. If law enforcement couldn’t find enough evidence to send him to prison, then I’d take matters into my hands.
My way.
We were almost to the hotel in Long Beach, the location nestled right on the water. It was a nondescript location, not popular with famous people, which was likely why Santini had chosen it.
It was also easy to sneak up on without being seen.
I had to laugh at myself even though I remained furious. Perhaps Santini hadn’t done his research on who the hell I was.
He would soon learn.
Gage was still on the phone with God knew who after Valerio had pulled into the parking lot. He’d made all the connections, putting our plan together.
I wanted this finished quickly. I needed to get back to the hospital. No way would my baby wake up alone in a strange place.
“Let’s get this over with.” It had already taken too damn long to get this shit sorted out, which irritated the hell out of me. I was on edge, forced to accept there was a chance this wouldn’t work out the way my family wanted.
Not me.
I would prefer an entirely different outcome, but I had a family to consider. Right?
Maybe. It would all depend on whether or not the bastard cooperated.
Gage moved in front of me before we entered through the side door. “I found out when she arrived in the States.”
I could tell by his tone he didn’t want to tell me. “A long time ago.”
“Two weeks. From what I can tell, she went to stay with her friend.”
Valerio took a deep breath while I took in what Gage was saying.
I’d checked out and spoken with Ashton a half dozen times, requiring her promise she’d let me know if she heard from Jasmine. That meant Jasmine had been unsure about talking to me. I shoved aside my sadness and simply nodded.
“But she arrived in San Diego the morning of the hit and run. She came to see you.” Gage was also good at mediating. He’d been the one who’d calmed fights I’d had with Valerio, making several good points on both our behalf.