Page 23 of Royal Flush
He rubbed his hands under my dress again, pushing it up past my hips. And with a single snap of his finger, he removed my panties. I was completely in awe of his actions, holding my breath as he pulled the damp cloth to his nose and mouth, inhaling deeply. There was no doubt he was appreciative of how wet the club had made me.
Or was my full arousal completely about the man instead?
As soon as he pulled my thighs over his shoulders, the answer became very clear.
Without a doubt.
Between the music, the movie, and the wild, pulsing lights, I was immediately pushed into another zone. While I struggled with my bindings as he blew across my naked pussy, I was so involved with the moment that I was prepared to lose one of my personal rules.
Begging him to lick me.
He sensed my needs, spreading my pussy lips wide open with his two thumbs. When he dared to swirl his tongue around my clit, I was certain my moans could be heard all throughout the club, but of course that was impossible.
Almost instantly my vision became hazy and as I continued to toss my head back and forth, lights that had nothing to do with the system swirling around us flashed in front of my eyes.
I could feel my body bucking involuntarily, pushing me into pure ecstasy.
Time held no meaning, shame nowhere to be found. This was one big carnal party, but I knew by instinct that he would never allow me to be touched by another man. The thought was comforting and kept me fully aroused.
As he thrust his tongue past my swollen folds, every muscle tensed. How could anything this sinful feel so incredible?
His tongue was joined by his fingers and between pinching my clit until it was ultra-sensitive and driving his fingers deep inside, I was finally pushed into that perfect moment of ecstasy.
Something I’d never experienced before.
There were so many aspects about this that I knew were wrong. He was a stranger, one determined to have me. The deal I’d made was filthy and ridiculous, but I no longer cared. As soon as he brought me close to orgasming, he pulled away, doing nothing more than teasing me with pressing kisses against one inner thigh and the other.
The movie or perhaps an actual filming of a primal hunt continued and the girl was being pleasured in every way, now on all fours deep in the woods, men taking turns using all three holes.
Dear God, that’s exactly what I wanted. Did that mean something was terribly wrong with me? Maybe, but who cared?
He continued licking, sucking on my sensitive nub while thrusting all four of his fingers deep into my tight channel. In my mind he was issuing commands, telling me I couldn’t climax until he gave me permission, but there wasn’t a chance I could have heard him and it was doubtful I’d obey.
I was bucking so hard, I could hear the stark sounds of the chains rattling, also almost in time to the beat of the tribal drums. Finally, I couldn’t take the pressure or the crazed pleasure any longer, erupting so hard that I knew I was screaming.
For all the promises I’d made to myself about never whimpering or giving any indication of how much I hungered for a man, here I was doing exactly that.
I didn’t give a shit.
This was everything I hadn’t known I needed.
And there was no doubt I’d need another fix, one more controlling, like a drug.
He’d managed to intoxicate me after all.
According to the Oxford dictionary, the word meant a blend of pain and eroticism.
Perhaps that’s exactly what I’d done to her, giving her a taste of unbridled passion in an atmosphere that fed off both.
I rarely came to Eden, the glow and show of the facility something I’d moved past years ago into more hardcore aspects of BDSM. Then I’d simply shifted into being a business owner, more worried about profits than satisfying my own needs. But there’d been something special about introducing her to the fringes of the lifestyle, of watching her reaction to the savage movie that had awakened the beast. I’d been so fucking hungry that I’d almost lost all control, finally coming to grips with that little bit I wanted to do with her in a public space.
As many men in my position would agree, exhibitionism was fantastic, allowing for a certain fulfillment of carnal needs while not being required to participate. I’d taken her into the club not only to begin what little training I could provide in one night but also to show her off.