Page 26 of Royal Flush
With one hand, he brushed the rough pads of his fingers up my side and down the length of one arm. When he pulled my hand to his lips, I couldn’t blink. The moment he slipped my index finger into his mouth, I sucked in my breath. How could the electric vibrations be this strong with such a simple act?
Because it was perhaps even more intimate than anything else he’d done.
That we’d done.
And so much had been highly erotic, creating memories that I would cherish for a long time. Our kinky actions would remain my little secret, but that’s all this could ever be, a memory maker. We traveled in two entirely different worlds. I wasn’t certain why that made me sad as I didn’t know Braxton at all.
He cupped one breast, immediately pinching and twisting the nipple until I cried out in pain. “You will pay attention at all times, little koala.”
The hint of anguish reminded me of the way I’d felt during the spanking. Strange. Confused.
However, it was the moment in the dance club that would be a bar I’d compare every other relationship to.
He fisted the back of my neck, pushing me into a deep arch before wrapping his succulent lips around the same aching nipple. Where so many men acted as if they couldn’t care less if a woman was enjoying herself, Braxton was different. He was determined to do whatever was in his power to create a lasting impression.
Including teasing me as relentlessly as I’d done to him.
I couldn’t stop shivering, unable to think clearly about anything. He pulled another finger into his mouth then another, acting as if he was cleaning each one of tasty strawberry jam. Maybe later I’d slather his body with the ooey gooey substance and do a little licking myself.
When he was finally finished cleaning my fingers from imaginary filth, he tweaked my other hardened bud and positioned the tip of his cock against my pussy lips.
I wasn’t entirely certain his big, fat shaft would fit.
There was no further wondering as he pulled me all the way down.
I was thrown by how incredible it felt to have his cock buried inside me, more so than with the few other men I’d been with in my life. Then again, the experiences with them hadn’t been memorable in the least.
Shuddering visibly, I lost my promise again by moaning and whimpering, alternating the sounds. I was lightheaded, clawing his shoulders as I threw my head back.
“So wet, Jasmine. Are you always this wet?” His voice was even deeper, huskier if that was possible.
I licked my lips as an answer and he leaned forward, nipping my chin.
When he lifted me again, I struggled to breathe. He lifted me just to the tip and another series of whimpers left my mouth. I tossed my head down, covering his chest with my long hair. My entire body was heaving from the desire that I was shocked continued to build. How was that possible?
I cinched my knees against his body, taking my time to unbutton his crisp button-down. Even with the intensity of the pleasure we were sharing, my mind was drifting to wondering about the man. Who was he really? The glossy brochures never told the real story. Not a single google mention or article written could capture an enigmatic man like Braxton.
When I was able to place my palms against his chest, a series of quivers jolted my nerve endings.
He threw his arms over the back of the chair, but there was no sense he’d given up any control. His stern look alone was a reminder that I belonged to him, a deal made between two consenting adults.
A human and a demon.
The wicked thought kept a smile on my face. I bucked against him, the extreme wetness allowing for various sinful sounds all on their own.
The suite was incredible.
The music sublime.
The evening completely unforgettable.
But this man and this moment would burn in my memory forever.
We never took our eyes off each other as the animalistic fucking continued. I found a rhythm that I’d never experienced, hopefully providing him with the same roar of ecstasy he’d given me.
The thought was something else I couldn’t explore given the extreme rush of sensations, another climax hitting me hard and fast.