Page 82 of Royal Flush
I returned to my suite, placing the wineglass on the nightstand, thumping down on the soft mattress. The dull rumbling of some show on the TV had been nothing more than noise in the background.
The early quiet had nearly driven me crazy.
I pulled the covers over my legs, yanking a pillow closer to the end of the bed so I could curl my arms under me and watch. He’d left for a short period but one of Jack’s men had remained behind, now openly carrying a weapon.
It was odd to be here all alone, wishing he was holding me so we could watch some silly movie. That wasn’t what our lives could ever be about. I honestly wasn’t entirely certain what my life would be in the future at all. Certainly not what I’d hoped it would be.
I knew it had to be after one in the morning or later. The smart thing was for me to try to get some sleep but I was too wired from facing near death.
Whatever show I was watching was boring and I rolled over, staring up at the ceiling. My knees were bent and as I used to do as a kid while on the phone, I stomped my bare feet. Braxton was right, both my body and mind needed sleep. I rolled over, enjoying the comfort of the soft bedding. I’d taken a quick, hot shower before sliding into my boy short PJs. At least I had a few of my things.
At least it seemed Jack and his band of merry men had left perhaps thirty minutes ago. Maybe I could get some rest. I huddled deeper under the covers and closed my eyes.
After taking a deep breath, I was certain the lull of the television noise would be enough of a sleeping pill. Until I found myself tossing and turning only a few seconds later.
I spun onto my stomach, pounding my fists on the pillow. Something caught my attention and I lifted my head. For a few seconds, I was terrified. What if someone had already found us? What if no one would stop them from taking me?
Oh, for God’s sake. I knew I was exhausted and still in a mild state of shock but give me a break. I’d never been this kind of chick and I wasn’t going to start now.
Hissing, I threw back the covers, forced to untangle my legs from underneath. I needed to find Braxton. That’s all there was to it. Maybe it was because I needed him. Period.
What did that say about me and how I’d changed over the last few days? Had it not been a lifetime instead? Whatever the case, this was a far cry from my home. Maybe that’s why I felt like a different person.
I moved from my bedroom to the one he’d given himself, pausing in the doorway. He had a single duffle bag placed on the bed untouched. I couldn’t tell if he’d done anything other than toss his inside.
The air wasn’t chilly, but I still felt empty inside, holding my arms as I headed to the other villas that were attached by beautiful decks and walkways. Some were swinging with rope, including the one leading directly into the water. I was eager to take a nice swim in the morning. I had packed a single bathing suit after all.
I headed into the living room and kitchen, still marveling at the open floor plan, the incredibly comfortable furniture that was so inviting, and the soft LED lighting transforming the ceiling of both rooms into something magical.
But it was empty. So were the decks and walkways.
Still, I could feel him. But from where? How? Was our connection that intense? I’d heard it said that once you lived through a tragedy with someone, you would always be connected. Maybe that was the case with the two of us.
My entire body was tingling as I walked toward the railing off the living room, which allowed me a different view of the pristine beach. Private. Secluded. So tropical I could envision a television show filming here.
Even with the beautiful rays of the bright moon, I had to strain to try to make out shapes on the beach. At first, I was certain I’d feel fear but the moment I noticed someone doing nothing more than sitting on the beach, staring out at the ocean, all I could think about was the true joy I’d felt from the day I’d met Braxton.
No matter how much like oil and water we’d been, the feeling of longing was strong, so much so I found myself taking one step then another until I was able to sink my toes into the sand.
I couldn’t be silly enough to accept this was love, nor did I want to risk my heart to anyone, but there was nothing I wanted more than being with him.
That said volumes about the changes made in my mind, my soul.
And my heart.
But what would happen when it was all taken away?
A brush of electricity.
A searing of my skin.
A simple rush of need and desire that I’d felt every time I was near her.