Page 85 of Royal Flush
“You know, I’ll get you for this.”
“You’ll probably try.” I took long strides into the bedroom I’d selected, wondering why I’d bothered to separate us in the first place. The same light was one housekeeping had switched on, which was barely adding more than a warm glow to the space.
When I placed her on the bed gently, she suddenly peered up at me like I was her savior. Her eyes were entirely too enigmatic, but my cock was throbbing. Playtime was over.
Sayeth her master.
The thought was as riveting as the woman. I sensed she wanted me to dominate her in every way yet remained cautious. As I’d done down on the sand, I planted my hands on either side of her, giving her more of a stern look. “You’re going to stay right here for a few seconds. I’ll be right back. You will do that. Correct?”
“Why, yes, sir.”
I cocked my head, kissing her nose before slowly backing away. I wanted her to experience sinful delights, hopefully taking her mind completely off the wretched day.
Yet my feisty woman was back in full force. I should have known better not to turn my back on her. I was barely four feet away and in almost near silence, she launched herself at my back, wrapping her arms around my neck in a stranglehold, her legs around my waist.
The force almost knocked us over, but I managed to maintain a standing position, even spinning her around as she attempted to strangle me.
I knew she was overcompensating, avoiding the questions and the experience. Why not go with it? Reality would settle in soon enough.
After spinning her around again, hoping to at least slightly disorient her, I tossed her onto the bed as I’d done before. Only I knew better than to offer a single additional chance of getting away. I held her down, grinning like some crazy loon while I fought not so elegantly to remove my belt.
At least it could be used as a temporary set of shackles while I retrieved rope or a more suitable method of keeping her bound to the bed.
She was sputtering, jerking her body from right to left as I fought with her to get one arm then the other over her head.
“You are more than mean. You’re a true bastard,” she groaned, the sound completely too adorable. It was enough that I almost doubled over in pain.
“Yep. A card carrying one too.”
“What is this?”
“Providing you with sheer pleasure.” She was definitely a wily little thing, almost managing to break free of my hold. But she also didn’t know what I was made of, especially when I was challenged by someone.
I finally managed to wrap loops around her wrists then the bedpost, but I wasn’t stupid. The light tether would hold for maybe five minutes. Maybe.
“Pleasure? You?” She licked her lips on purpose and the bad boy inside of me grabbed a handful of her pretty little tank top nightshirt, easily ripping it off her. Her mouth dropped open, almost matching the shock in her eyes. “That was my only nightshirt.”
She was now gritting her teeth, hissing at me while her eyes sparkled with hunger. “I tell you what,” I said and slipped my fingers under the elastic of her very short shorts. “I won’t tear the bottoms and promise to purchase any piece of lingerie you desire.”
After I removed them, she hissed again.
“What am I saying? I’ve decided you aren’t wearing anything but a collar and leash while you’re here.” No, I wasn’t planning on requiring that just yet, but it was worth issuing the statement to see an entirely different look of horror cross her face.
“No! You can’t do that.”
After tossing the shorts aside, I wasted no time tweaking one of her already fully aroused nipples. If she truly knew what I wanted to do to her, she would likely have me arrested. Hmmm… Now that might be fun. “I can do anything I want since I own the island and just took possession of you.”
It was adorable to see her so befuddled, warming my heart, which so many had been assured could never happen.
“No. I mean…” Now she wrinkled her nose. Another adorable trait.
When I twisted her other hardened bud, she arched her back, straining against the thick leather. “I think learning a little respect is in order. I did save your life not once but twice. And I purchased you free and clear.”
“You purchased me? I don’t think so. Saved my life? Ha. I could have gotten away.”
Now I pinched both on purpose until she cried out, her lower lip trembling. But she was arching her back again, still fighting her bindings in an effort to get to me. It wasn’t going to happen, not until I was ready. “Yes, my darling koala. I own you outright. Therefore, you will call me sir.”
It wasn’t an unreasonable request but at this point, I was still teasing her. But her furrowing brow and the way she was twisting her luscious lips kept that hungry beast right at the surface underneath my skin.