Page 39 of Deck of Scarlets
“Fuck you,” I spat, pulling harder on the rope. My wrist rubbed against the material, hissing with each tug.
“She’s more resilient than we thought,” another voice chimed in.
A small hand rested on my shoulder. “We are not here to harm you.”
“Then why did you drug me and tie me up?”
Someone sighed heavily to my right. “Forgive us if we thought you were trying to break in.”
“Or steal.”
So many voices sounded like they were coming from every direction. “Can I at least get this stupid thing off my face?”
“I see no harm in that.”
Hands untied the knot from the blindfold as I regained my sight.
Three figures watched me blink several times until I recognized a familiar man in the corner. “I knew it.”
“Shit. Get the rope off her now,” he commanded.
Two girls in the scarlet capes untied my hands and feet from their binds. Massaging my wrists, I observed the small room they crammed themselves inside. Josh wore that familiar S on his right breast, the same bow and arrow strapped to his back. I looked down at my arms to find red patches of irritation forming.
“If I knew it was you breaking in, I would’ve escorted you out myself,” Josh said.
The invitation burned in my back pocket. I reached for it, feeling its edges on my fingertips. “The door was open. Am I not allowed to be here?”
“Not without an invitation, and since you snuck in, I assume you don’t have one,” said one of the girls in a scarlet cape.
A smug look on her face made it much more entertaining when I revealed the invitation. “You mean this one?” I held up the pretty card, flashing it in her face.
She snatched it before I had a second to register what had happened. “Impossible.”
Josh uncrossed his arms and peeked over the girl’s shoulder, his eyes following the words on the back. “What do you know, Zo. An invitation.”
Annoyance crossed her face. “Well, Ms. Remi Watson. What were you doing sneaking in like that?”
“I wasn’t sure if it was still happening,” I fibbed.
“Did you not get the time change?” the other one asked.
“No,” I lied.
“She’s here now. Let’s join the others.” Another male appeared from the shadows. My heart stopped at the sight of his face.
He wore the same outfit as Josh, with a matching bow and arrow strapped to his back. That stupid scarlet S was stitched in the same spot.
His stride toward me had both my fists curling with anger. I knew I couldn’t trust him either.
“You,” I whispered, my voice laced with rage. The last time we spoke was when he basically said I should finish trying to fuck him because I started it.
All eyes were on Kal. He seemed unaffected by the fury I projected at him.
“The introduction is about to begin. Come, let’s join the others.” He held his hand out for me to take.
Everyone else left the room but Josh, who lingered by the door.