Page 91 of Deck of Scarlets
We continued in silence, only our soft steps heard in the vastness of the tunnel. To imagine anything else lurking within the shadows down here seemed tamed compared to what I’d witnessed outside the cathedral.
I wished I could hear the others. Maybe it would be easier to prepare when we reached the end.
No, you don’t, laughed Josh.
I wasn’t talking to you, I sneered.
Loud thoughts, remember?
You’re insufferable.
I huffed loudly and thought, Why wouldn’t we want to hear the others?
It could get overwhelming and could distract you in battle. Being bonded to one is better than none.
I prefer not, period.
Josh stifled a laugh from behind me. You’re lucky it’s me. If you got paired with anyone else, they would’ve already requested a transfer.
I rolled my eyes, inching my way through the tunnels. Is that what happened to your last one?
I only had you.
Why the hell did his comment warm my skin? Even the cooling material of the fighting gear I wore wasn’t enough to sizzle out the flame along my skin. Then a thought occurred, already filtering through our connection. Wait, I’m your first—?
Just then, a slight rumble vibrated our feet. We froze, Baron shutting off the light as we waited, unsure if it would happen again. Time seemed to tick on, until another rumble sounded, and then another, until it became constant, a nagging vibration like one of a cell phone when someone was calling.
We’re close to the nest. Looks like someone didn’t do a thorough job cleaning it out. The hairs on my neck stood up at Josh’s warning, neither of us sure whether to continue down the darkened tunnel.
Baron dimmed the flashlight once more, barely a glow illuminating from the bulb, and whispered, “We have to keep going.”
I barely heard him over the rumble. What if there is more than just Magidoz? If Josh’s claim was true about the size of the demon, then another one of that size could also be lurking down here.
Be prepared to fight, Josh warned.
Because I have been for my whole life?
As we trekked further in, the rumbling got louder, causing a ringing in my ears.
With one foot in front of the other, I kept my balance and wits about me as best as I could, but it was Josh’s voice inside my head that made me halt.
Remi, your hilt is glowing red.
I stalled, Josh’s hand stopping himself at my shoulder from colliding with my back as I gazed down to where I clutched the pommel. A soft glow shined through my hand where the garnet stone was forged.
Is this normal? I asked.
“Baron!” Josh whispered.
The faded light from the flashlight was directed at us. “What—”
His sudden silence made Chloe swear in disbelief.
That’s when the rumbling stopped.
I stood, gripping the pommel as it glowed brighter, my hand vibrating from the intensity as if some other force was behind it. Is this normal?