Page 12 of Bought and Broken
I figured a lot of the merchandise would choose black, so at first, I wanted to choose something different. But I look the best in black, so that’s what I went with.
My honey colored hair doesn’t pair well with many colors. Match that with my green eyes and it’s an odd pair. Black is my go-to because it looks good with everything.
I went with a chemise set because I wanted a slightly innocent but still sexy look. It’s lace with a floral design. It comes with a thong, and its form fitting, the back just barely reaching the bottom of my ass. There was an option for a garter, but I chose to go without.
There is no doubt in my mind—I look hot as fuck. Any man here will be lucky to have me for the weekend. And not only because of my selling points, but because I’m awesome.
My lack of sexual experience doesn’t affect my confidence one bit. That’s not the reason I’ve never been with someone sexually. My overbearing family made it impossible. I hated it when I was a teenager. I was embarrassed about it. When all my friends were hooking up and having fun, I felt left out. But after a while, I didn’t care anymore. It lost its meaning. Now, all it is to me is a way to make money so I can move out.
Selling it isn’t the most ethical thing to do, but a girl’s got to live. I’ve never had a job in my life, but I plan to get one as soon as I’m settled. My father questioned nothing I purchased, so I didn’t need to work.
I’ve held onto my virginity this long, and it’s more of a burden than anything. May as well make something off it, right?
I’m still staring at myself in the mirror when there is a knock at the door.
“Come in!”
The door opens and two girls who look identical, except for their hair color, walk in. They each have model-like features—high cheek bones, sharp noses and jaws. Their skin is glowing.
“I’m Macy,” the blond says with a smile.
“And I’m Lacy,” the dark-haired girl adds with a wave.
“Yes, we’re twins,” Macy adds as she closes the door. I don’t miss the annoyance in her voice.
“I’m a twin too, so I get it,” I add, already knowing where the tone is coming from.
“Thank god,” Lacy says, blowing out a sharp breath. “We won’t have to sit through a million questions about it.”
“Who’s older?” Macy says in a high-pitched voice.
“Which one is nicer?” Lacy adds in a nasally voice.
“Which one is the favorite?”
“Are your boobs the same size?”
They look at each other and start laughing.
I say, “My twin is a boy, so I can’t say I ever got the boob question. But I have been asked how we’re twins if we aren’t both female…”
“Ugh,” Lacy groans, throwing her head back.
“Do people have brains?” Macy says with a scrunched up nose.
“Oh, they have them. They just don’t know how to use them,” I say, taking a seat in on the cushioned stool when Macy points to it.
“I’ll do your makeup,” she says. “Lacy will do your hair. Any suggestions, or do we have permission to do as we please?”
“Do as you please,” I answer.
We make small talk as they work on my hair and makeup. Though I’m facing the mirror, I avoid looking into it. I want a big reveal at the end. Before I know it, they’re done and it’s almost time to go out on stage. Another wave of nerves rolls through me, but I push it away.
Macy and Lacy wish me luck and give me a quick hug before leaving.
Taking another deep breath, I let it out slowly and turn my attention to the mirror.
Holy shit!