Page 74 of Bought and Broken
His grip on my throat loosens and I suck in a breath just as his mouth meets mine.
“So fucking perfect,” he whispers between eager kisses. “You’re mine, Dev. All mine. Only mine.” He whispers these things to me over and over, until I fall back asleep.
Chapter Thirty-Six
Summer and I are celebrating the first day of June by taking Astrid to the beach for the first time. Metro Beach is a thirty-minute drive, and a place Summer and I used to visit as often as we could before she had Astrid. I can’t blame Summer for not wanting to take her sooner. Astrid has pale skin and has always enjoyed eating things she shouldn’t. Meaning she’d likely burn and eat a ton of sand. More trouble than it’s worth.
It’s a beautiful day and I’m excited to go on this adventure with them and get to be a part of another one of Astrid’s firsts. As we’re waiting at a red light, I pull my phone out to snap a photo of us.
“Say cheese, Astrid!” I say. She looks up and smiles so big her eyes close.
I snap a few photos and laugh as I look through them.
“Make sure you send those to me,” Summer says as she makes the turn.
I send them to her right now, then put my phone in the holder and mess with the radio until I find something I can sing to. Taylor Swift will do. I’m not a Swiftie by any means, but I enjoy some of her music. I like how catchy it is.
Summer and I sing loudly, all while Astrid mumbles along. When the song is done, I lower the volume and rest my head back, letting the cool wind blow over me.
Days like this are the best. It’s what I’ll miss the most when I leave.
“Have you decided on anything for Astrid’s party yet?” I ask.
Summer has been wanting to do a big thing for Astrid’s birthday party this year, since she’ll be three. Summer is convinced this is the first year she’ll know what’s going on, so she wants to make it big. She’s also in a better place financially, so she’s able to do it. I offered her money to help, but she refused to take it. Little does she know she won’t have a choice once she sees what I’m getting Astrid for her birthday.
“She’s been obsessed with Blue’s Clues, so I’ll probably go with that as the theme. My parents offered to have it at their house, but I’m not sure I want to do that. Astrid doesn’t even know who they are.”
“Have they asked to see her again?”
Summer shakes her head. “Just that one time, which is part of the problem. If they acted like they wanted to see her more, maybe I’d let them.”
I complain about the way my father and brother are, but I am grateful they’re better than Summer’s parents. My father and brother would be pissed if I ended up pregnant, but they wouldn’t kick me out. They’d help me. They’d make their disappointment known for sure, but they wouldn’t put me on the street like Summer’s parents did.
I think they’re realizing their mistake now that Summer is doing so well and Astrid is getting big. They’re missing out on so much.
“Not trying to make excuses for them, but maybe they’re afraid of pushing you.”
“They should have thought of that before they kicked me out.”
“Can’t argue with you there,” I say, glancing back at Astrid, who is now asleep.
How the hell do kids do that? A few minutes ago, she was singing along with us. Now she’s sleeping?
“It sucks because their house would be perfect for the party. It’s big enough. The yard is nice. There’s a pool. And the best part is not having to clean up.”
“That alone is a reason to do it,” I say with a smile. “Maybe just have a chat with them. Be firm. Lay down your expectations and go from there? Nothing wrong with making the first move. And if it doesn’t work, then it doesn’t work. She’s still young enough that she won’t remember in a couple of years.”
“Yeah, I know. Oh, hey, regardless of where it is, could you see if your brother and Tate will come?”
I narrow my eyes at her. “Uh, sure. But why?”
“I just want as many people there as possible. I know Astrid is going to be super excited this year and I think having more people will be nice for her, even if she doesn’t know who they are.”
Seems weird, but okay. I don’t have a kid, so what do I know?
“Should I ask some strangers off the street too?” I tease. Summer slaps my leg. “Ouch!”