Page 19 of Sticky for You
“Hey, Twirlie. Where’ve you gone?”
That was not from my favorite delectable lion. I blinked to see Ricky staring at me, a mixture of concern and exasperation in his brown eyes.
I blinked once more to clear my suddenly fuzzy vision. “Huh? Are you okay, Ricky? Do you need me to get Crimson?”
Do you need me to help?
Click. Click.
I wasn’t sure what the clicking was about, but before I could answer my lion, Ricky threw his hands up in the air. “Am I okay? Am I okay?”
He was getting kind of loud now and that hurt my ears. It was only a question.
“What just happened?” he continued. “You faded out and I couldn’t get you back.”
“I don’t know what you mean. I was talking to you.” I might have spent a moment or three imagining sucking my guy, but that was neither rhubarb nor custard.
Not a guy. I’m all lion and don’t you forget it!
Ooh, that growl was so sexy. I shivered and my dick turned into a stalk, pointing the way back to my alpha. I tried to get him to growl again, but there was that irritating clicking on the line. How could a mind link get interference?
“Honey, you faded out for at least five minutes. I had to hold you up. I was about to send up the rhubarb line for Crimson.”
I hummed in agreement.
“Twirlie, are you listening to me?” Ricky demanded. He was getting very bossy.
“Of course I’m listening to you.”
I had been, hadn’t I? To be honest, all I could think about was my lion. He was my all, my everything, my roots and leaves. I couldn’t think of anything else except him. He and I would have the perfect rhubarb and custard until the end of days.
“That’s it. We’re going to Crimson.” Ricky wrapped a hand around my bicep and hauled me down the street toward the stores.
I struggled to get free. “Quit tugging on me, bro. I’m fine.”
“Twirlie, we’re barely moving. You’ve got to move your legs. Come on, one foot at a time.”
I was about to protest when I realized he’d got one arm around my waist and was dragging me because, for some reason, my legs didn’t want to work. I focused on them. I can walk. One leg…
Crimson, I need you!
“You don’t have to yell in my ear,” I grumbled at Ricky. “We can run to her. It’s two minutes tops.”
Ricky held me against him. “Honey, you stopped walking, and I can’t carry you.” Now he sounded panicked, but I was too tired to try to understand why.
I looked down. “Did you know you have six legs? Give me two of your legs, then I can walk.”
“Crimson!” he bellowed.
“I’m here. What’s wrong?”
“Tim’s sick, really sick. Talking nonsense…more nonsense than usual. And I can’t move him.”
“Let me look at him,” she said, calm as always.
Crimson, multiple Crimsons, were in my face. I counted them carefully. “One, two, three, seven… there are seven of you, did you know that? How did you do that? I want more of me! And Ricky’s got six legs. Lucky stalk.”
All fourteen of her eyes studied me for a moment. “Help me get him to the seat, then run to the pride house, Ricky. You’ve got to bring the alpha here.”