Page 22 of Sticky for You
“Don’t mon…lions need to bite in their human form?”
Ohhhh fuck! I’d forgotten to think about how lions mated. My pride would never let me live it down.
I glanced at Tim and with no thought to the audience gathering around us, realizing none of whom were my pride. I tugged aside Tim’s T-shirt and bit his neck. The sweetest blood filled my mouth and the scent of cum and custard followed as the man in my arms groaned long and low. His eyelids fluttered and my cock went supersonic.
It waved at the crowd, and I was positive there were audible gasps at its performance, but Tim held my attention as I swallowed several mouthfuls of his blood before my fangs released. I lapped at the wound until it started to heal.
Then a pair of eyes held my gaze as he groaned anew. “Soil, I need you in the soil. Dirty and naked.”
“And on that note, my job is done,” said Crimson, only I ignored her.
I’d give my mate whatever he needed. “Where?” I growled past my fangs. “Tell me!”
Chapter Twelve
“You want me to get dirty and naked here?” Maximus sounded confused as he stared down at the narrow patch of soil I called my own. I still shared it with my brothers, as I had since we seeded.
I sighed, rubbing my cheek against his bare shoulder. “This is where I sleep every night, except for last night. You wanna get dirty with me?” I caught his gaze and waggled my eyebrows.
“Wouldn’t it be more comfortable in a bed?” Maximus suggested, “Especially after what you’ve been through.”
“I’m rhubarb,” I pointed out because he had to take that on board. “Lion and rhubarb together forever.”
I was still exhausted from almost wilting and couldn’t work up the energy to sing to him, but a few hours in the soil and I’d be a new stalk. Except Maximus stayed where he was, staring at the earth when I wanted my big, bad lion rolling me naked around in the dirt to make beautiful custard, then we’d have a sleep together.
“I think we’re gonna need a bigger patch of earth,” he declared. “I’m larger than you, lovely stalk. I get bigger when I lion out.”
“Uh… yeah. I hadn’t thought of that.” I slumped against him. “I need to recover in the dirt, and I want you with me.”
Maximus hummed, a sweet rumble above me. “Sweetheart, does it matter where you burrow into the soil? Does it have to be here?”
“No. Just somewhere in Valentine. The best rhubarb grows here. Crimson says it’s to do with the fertile triangle.”
I felt Maximus’s shoulders shake and his chest bounce, and looked up, worried, only to find him holding back a chuckle. “Maxi! What are you laughing at?” I asked, indignantly.
He pressed a kiss on my forehead. “No reason. Just ignore me. I can’t burrow here, sweet stalk. I’d destroy the bed. But I know exactly where you and me could whip the custard in private with plenty of room.”
Now that sounded interesting. I wiggled in his arms. “Let’s go. I can walk, even do a little twirl.”
I felt heaps better now, almost the full dessert, although it wouldn’t take a lot for me to get tired again. I needed my time in the soil.
“You’re staying in my arms,” Maximus said, his voice as firm as his arms around me.
I sighed happily and buried my face into the crook of his neck. “I need my dirt time.”
“I know, baby.” His deep voice was all rumbly, as my lion jogged back to the pride house.
I squinted at his naked feet, resisting giggles of my own. “Maxi?”
“Where are your shoes?” I knew everyone in town thought I was odd, but it appeared I’d found my perfect match.
“About that—”
I looked a little closer. “Where are your pants? Are you naked apart from this jacket?”